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Afro-diasporic Experiences of Highly Skilled Black African Immigrants in Australia
Australian Social Work ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1080/0312407x.2020.1856393
Kathomi Gatwiri 1 , Lillian Mwanri 2 , Lynne McPherson 1


This study explored the experiences of skilled African immigrants in Australia. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 27 individuals from different sub-Saharan African countries currently residing in South Australia. The findings report on the experiences of change, cultural identity, diasporic identities, employment, negotiating family dynamics, and the experiences of racial discrimination in Australia. These findings call for considerations that address these inequities, including culturally sensitive practice by social services, employers, and the wider society. Understanding the experiences of African migrants in Australia is particularly relevant for decolonised, critical social work practice, which takes the emphasis away from an individual’s ability to cope by examining how social environments shape such experiences.


  • Advocacy to address racism and discrimination towards African migrants in Australia is necessary.

  • Fostering support for African migrants as they develop a diasporic identity and adapt to changes in family dynamics is encouraged.

  • Developing culturally sensitive social support services for African immigrants is necessary for integration.




本研究探讨了澳大利亚技术熟练的非洲移民的经历。对来自目前居住在南澳大利亚的不同撒哈拉以南非洲国家的 27 个人进行了半结构化访谈。调查结果报告了澳大利亚的变革经历、文化认同、侨民身份、就业、谈判家庭动态以及种族歧视的经历。这些调查结果要求考虑解决这些不平等问题,包括社会服务、雇主和更广泛社会的文化敏感做法。了解非洲移民在澳大利亚的经历与非殖民化的批判性社会工作实践尤其相关,它通过研究社会环境如何塑造这种经历来将重点从个人的应对能力上移开。


  • 必须倡导解决澳大利亚对非洲移民的种族主义和歧视。

  • 鼓励在非洲移民发展侨民身份并适应家庭动态变化时为他们提供支持。

  • 为非洲移民开发对文化敏感的社会支持服务是融入社会的必要条件。
