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HRM and the COVID-19 pandemic: How can we stop making a bad situation worse?
Human Resource Management Journal ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-11 , DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12344
Mark Butterick 1 , Andy Charlwood 1

This provocation argues that the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed deep labour market inequalities. Partially underpinning these inequalities are human resource management (HRM) theories and practices which encourage and legitimise the commodification of labour. Workers whose jobs have been commodified have suffered disproportionately during the pandemic. While HRM is not wholly responsible for this suffering it is important for those of us involved in researching, teaching and practicing HRM to reflect on the ways in which what we do has made a bad situation worse so that we can do better in the future.


人力资源管理和 COVID-19 大流行:我们如何才能停止让糟糕的情况变得更糟?

这种挑衅认为,COVID-19 大流行暴露了劳动力市场的严重不平等。部分支持这些不平等的是人力资源管理 (HRM) 理论和实践,它们鼓励劳动商品化并使之合法化。在大流行期间,工作被商品化的工人遭受了不成比例的痛苦。虽然 HRM 并非要为这种痛苦承担全部责任,但对于我们这些参与 HRM 研究、教学和实践的人来说,反思我们所做的使糟糕情况变得更糟的方式是很重要的,这样我们才能在未来做得更好。