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Spatial variations of planktonic ciliates, predator-prey interactions and their environmental drivers in the Gulf of Gabes-Boughrara lagoon system
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107315
Amira Rekik , Salma Kmiha-Megdiche , Zaher Drira , Marc Pagano , Habib Ayadi , Amel Bellaaj Zouari , Jannet Elloumi

Spatial variability of ciliates in relation to environmental variables and abundance of heterotrophic prokaryotes, picoeukaryotes, nanoeukaryotes, microphytoplankton and mesozooplankton were studied in the Gulf of Gabes- Boughrara lagoon system in the surface layer and at the water-sediment interface between 9 and April 15, 2017. Results revealed a striking difference between the two ecosystems, with higher temperature and salinity and high availability of nitrite and total nitrogen concentrations in the Boughrara lagoon, probably generated by limited exchanges of water with the Gulf of Gabes associated with disturbed areas in the lagoon. Ciliates abundance was slightly higher in the Gulf of Gabes (16–19 × 10 cells l) than in the Boughrara lagoon (13–16 × 10 cells l), but the species richness was significantly higher in the Boughrara lagoon (40 taxa in the surface layer and 35 taxa at the water-sediment interface) than in the Gulf of Gabes (35 taxa in the surface layer and 33 taxa at the water-sediment interface). The ciliate community was characterized by the predominance of Spirotrichea. Tintinnids were more abundant than naked ciliates in both sampled ecosystems, except in a few stations. Some tintinnid species, such as , and , showed high abundance, indicating their tolerance to environmental pollution. The dominant species , and showed significant relationships with nutrient concentrations, illustrating their affinity for highly eutrophic sites. Regression and correlation analyses suggest food dependence of Spirotrichea and tintinnids up on picoeukaryotes, whereas naked ciliates appeared more controlled by the availability of nanoeukaryotes and microphytoplankton. Metazooplankton abundance showed no significant relationships with ciliate abundance.



9月至4月15日期间,在加贝斯-布格拉拉泻湖系统的表层和水-沉积物界面,研究了纤毛虫与环境变量的空间变异性以及异养原核生物、超微核生物、纳米真核生物、微型浮游植物和中型浮游生物的丰度。 2017 年。结果显示,两个生态系统之间存在显着差异,Boughrara 泻湖的温度和盐度较高,亚硝酸盐和总氮浓度较高,这可能是由于与泻湖受干扰区域相关的加贝斯湾有限的水交换造成的。加贝斯湾的纤毛虫丰度 (16–19 × 10 cells l) 略高于 Boughrara 泻湖 (13–16 × 10 cells l),但 Boughrara 泻湖的物种丰富度明显更高(该地区有 40 个类群)表层和水-沉积物界面的 35 个类群)高于加贝斯湾(表层 35 个类群和水-沉积物界面的 33 个类群)。纤毛虫群落的特点是螺毛纲占优势。除少数站外,在两个采样的生态系统中,丁丁虫比裸纤毛虫更为丰富。一些丁丁科物种,如 、 和 ,表现出较高的丰度,表明它们对环境污染的耐受性。优势物种 ,并显示出与营养物浓度的显着关系,说明它们对高度富营养化地点的亲和力。回归和相关分析表明,螺旋毛纲和丁丁纲动物对超微真核生物的食物依赖程度较高,而裸纤毛虫似乎更多地受到纳米真核生物和微型浮游植物的控制。后生浮游动物丰度与纤毛虫丰度没有显着关系。