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Disempowerment and Bodily Agency in Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments and The Handmaid’s Tale TV Series
The European Legacy ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1080/10848770.2021.1898108
Julia Kuznetski 1


This article seeks to draw parallels between today’s transmodern reality and the events recounted in Margaret Atwood’s The Testaments (2019) and in The Handmaid’s Tale Hulu TV series, particularly Seasons 2 and 3 (2017‒19). Addressing issues such as controlled reproduction, violence, corporeal subjection of women, and environmental injustice, I focus on the body as a site of social construction, vulnerability and control. Drawing on the work of various scholars, I argue that the body is simultaneously a site of vulnerability and of resistance that exceeds totalitarian categories, thus allowing for empowering “modes of heterogeneity,” fluidity, diversity, environmental as well as transcorporeal. In Gilead, the totalitarian state where Atwood’s two novels are set, it is the body that is acted upon, with massive repression and violence, and it is the body that resists by forming alternative relations and practices, which eventually facilitate the fall of Gilead from within. Throughout my analysis, I draw on the transmodern concept, while widening it toward the corporeal enmeshment with others in order to demonstrate that it is the interdependence of vulnerability and empowerment that reveals transmodernity’s “new visions of justice.”




本文力求在当今的超现代现实与玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwood)的《遗嘱》The Testaments)(2019)和《女仆的故事》The Handmaid's Tale)中叙述的事件之间进行比较Hulu电视连续剧,特别是第2季和第3季(2017‒19)。在解决诸如控制生育,暴力,妇女的身体服从和环境不公等问题时,我将身体作为社会建设,脆弱性和控制的场所。借助各种学者的研究,我认为人体同时是易受攻击和抵抗的场所,其范围超过极权主义类别,因此可以增强“异质性模式”,流动性,多样性,环境以及跨体的能力。在吉利德(Gilead),是集阿特伍德(Atwood)的两本小说的极权主义国家,行动的主体受到了巨大的镇压和暴力,并且该主体通过形成替代性的关系和习俗来抵抗,最终推动吉利德的衰落。之内。在我的整个分析过程中,
