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Effects of Rice Husk Compost on Some Soil Properties, Water Use Efficiency and Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Yield under Greenhouse and Field Conditions
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2021.1892731
Zeynep Demir 1 , Coşkun Gülser 2


The effect of rice husk compost (RHC) on some soil properties, evapotranspiration (ETa), yield (Y) and water use efficiency (WUE) of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plant under the field and greenhouse conditions was investigated. In the experiments carried out at the experimental field and the greenhouse of Agricultural Faculty in Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey. The RHC was applied to surface soil (0–20 cm) at 0%, 3%, 6% and 9% (0 – 6 – 12 – 18 Mg ha−1) doses with three replications according to the randomized plots experimental design. RHC application generally improved the soil quality parameters according to the control treatment during the experiment carried out with growing tomato plant in the field and greenhouse conditions. RHC treatments increased electrical conductivity, field capacity and permanent wilting point, available water content with increasing soil organic matter content, reduced soil pH and bulk density (Db) over the control treatment. Db values of the soils in the field and greenhouse decreased according to the control treatment with 3% > 6% > 9% doses of RHC. Field capacity, permanent wilting point and available water capacity (AWC) values of the soils generally increased according to the control with 9% > 6% > 3% doses of RHC application. While 92-day ETa values in field ranged from 426 mm in control to 314 mm in 9% RHC application, 112-day ETa values in greenhouse ranged from 547 mm in control to 375 mm in 3% RHC application. According to the control treatment, the highest reduction in ETa values was 26.3% with 9% RHC in the field and 31.5% with 3% RHC application in the greenhouse. Soil organic matter values of the soils had significant correlations with Db (−0.868**), AWC (0.667*), yield (0.593*) and WUE (0.722**) in the greenhouse conditions and with Db (−0.628**), AWC (0.427*), yield (0.468*) in the field conditions. While there were negative relationships between WUE and ETa in field (−0.818**) and greenhouse (−0.365) conditions, the positive relationships between yield and WUE were determined in field (0.280) and greenhouse (0.887**). When comparing the control treatments, RHC applications in field and greenhouse conditions helped to water saving as 118 mm (1181 ton ha−1) and 216 mm (2160 ton ha−1), respectively. According to the results, the applications of 6% RHC in field and 9% RHC in greenhouse conditions were suggested to reduce ETa values, and to improve the soil quality parameters, WUE and tomato yield.




在田间和温室条件下,研究了稻壳堆肥(RHC)对番茄(Solanum lycopersicum L.)植物某些土壤特性,蒸散量(ETa),产量(Y)和水分利用效率(WUE)的影响。在土耳其萨姆松OndokuzMayıs大学的农业系实验场和温室进行的实验中。将RHC分别以0%,3%,6%和9%(0 – 6 – 12 – 18 Mg ha -1)施用于表层土壤(0–20 cm))剂量,根据随机样地实验设计重复三遍。在田间和温室条件下,使用生长中的番茄进行的实验中,通过对照处理,施用RHC通常可以改善土壤质量参数。与对照处理相比,RHC处理增加了电导率,田间持水量和永久性枯萎点,有效水分随着土壤有机质含量的增加而降低,土壤pH值和堆积密度(Db)降低。对照和3%> 6%> 9%剂量的RHC处理后,田间和温室土壤的Db值降低。施用RHC的剂量为9%> 6%> 3%时,土壤的田间持水量,永久性枯萎点和土壤可用水容量(AWC)值通常会根据对照有所提高。田间92天的ETa值范围从对照的426毫米到9%的RHC应用为314毫米,而温室的112天的ETa值范围从对照的547毫米到3%的RHC应用的375毫米。根据对照处理,在田间使用9%的RHC时,ETa值的最大降低是26.3%,而在温室中使用3%的RHC则是31.5%。在温室条件下,土壤的有机质值与Db(-0.868 **),AWC(0.667 *),产量(0.593 *)和WUE(0.722 **)以及Db(-0.628 **)显着相关。 ,AWC(0.427 *),田间条件下的产量(0.468 *)。尽管田间(-0.818 **)和温室(-0.365)条件下的水分利用效率和排放量之间存在负相关关系,但田间(0.280)和温室(0.887 **)的产量和水分利用效率之间存在正相关关系。比较对照治疗时,-1)和216 mm(2160吨ha -1)。根据结果​​,建议在田间施用6%RHC,在温室条件下施用9%RHC可以降低ETa值,并改善土壤质量参数,WUE和番茄产量。
