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Subsistence practices in western Mediterranean Europe during the Final Gravettian. Zooarchaeological and taphonomic analysis of faunal remains from level D of Arbreda Cave (Serinyà, NE Iberian Peninsula)
Journal of Quaternary Science ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3294
Isaac Rufí 1 , Lluís Lloveras 2 , Joaquim Soler 1 , Narcís Soler 1

During the Final Gravettian, the Reclau Caves (northeast Iberia) were intensively occupied by hunter‐gatherer communities. The study of residential level D (c. 25.4–19.7 kyr bp) of Arbreda Cave offers a new view of subsistence strategies of communities which inhabited the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, a transition region between the steppe‐tundra and the Iberian wooded steppe biomes, during Greenland Stadial 3. Presented here are the results of the zooarchaeological and taphonomic analysis of ungulate and carnivore remains recovered from level D. The study confirms that the faunal assemblage of this level was mainly brought there by humans. The zooarchaeological analysis indicates selective hunting based on the exploitation of familial groups of horses and deer, while other ungulate taxa appear to be infrequent. Hunter‐gatherers frequented the site throughout the year, but more intensive use in spring is indicated by subadult sensu lato horses. There was extensive exploitation of ungulate carcasses: various butchery activities, marrow extraction, the use of bone as fuel and ‘less elaborate tools’ are documented. Carnivore canines were exploited to produce ornaments. The great dominance of horses reveals cold conditions and the expansion of open environments related to the chronology span of Greenland Stadial 3.



在最后的Gravettian时期,Reclau洞穴(伊比利亚东北部)被猎人-采集者社区密集占据。居住水平d(的研究Ç。25.4-19.7 KYR基点)Arbreda Cave提供了一个新的生存策略的观点,这些策略居住在格陵兰Stadial 3期间伊比利亚半岛东北部(草原-苔原和伊比利亚树木繁茂的草原生物群落之间的过渡区域),并从D级恢复了有蹄类和食肉动物的染色体分析。研究证实,该级的动物群主要是由人类带入的。动物考古学分析表明,基于对马和鹿家族的利用而进行的选择性狩猎,而其他有蹄类动物则很少见。猎人采集者全年都经常光顾该场所,但春季次高的成年sensu lato则表明该场所的使用更为密集。马匹。有蹄类动物的尸体得到了广泛的利用:记录了各种屠杀活动,骨髓提取,使用骨头作为燃料和“不太复杂的工具”。食肉食犬被用来生产装饰品。马的主导地位揭示了寒冷的条件和与格陵兰Stadial 3的时间跨度有关的开放环境的扩展。