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Exploring the link between farmers’ entrepreneurial identities and work wellbeing
Journal of Rural Studies ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.02.014
Judith Janker , Hannu T. Vesala , Kari Mikko Vesala

Pressure on farmers to behave more ‘entrepreneurial’ is increasing. Psychological and social science research therefore has examined what characterises farmers identifying as entrepreneurs. A previous study in Finland suggested that farmers' self-identities may conflict with the public paradigm describing farmers as entrepreneurs instead of food providers. Different expectations towards farming may cause identity issues and decrease work wellbeing. The present study examines the relationship of work wellbeing and entrepreneurial identification. Utilizing the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the theory of Entrepreneurial Identity, the results show that work wellbeing is higher for diversified farmers and rural business owners than for conventional farmers in Finland. Conventional farmers on the other hand experience higher rates of loss of personal control and self-efficacy, indicating that the political strategies for entrepreneurs, diversification and innovativeness, are not applicable to all farmer groups. Entrepreneurs aim for autonomy and personal control which generally may be limited in specialised, subsidy-dependent agricultural production systems. Identity formation processes and how farmers can gain more control over their businesses as well as the limitations of entrepreneurship in the momentary agricultural policy system, should be considered in upcoming policy strategies.



