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Natural variation in colony inbreeding does not influence susceptibility to a fungal pathogen in a termite
Ecology and Evolution ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7233
Carlos M Aguero 1 , Pierre-André Eyer 1 , Jason S Martin 2 , Mark S Bulmer 2 , Edward L Vargo 1

Reduced genetic diversity through inbreeding can negatively affect pathogen resistance. This relationship becomes more complicated in social species, such as social insects, since the chance of disease transmission increases with the frequency of interactions among individuals. However, social insects may benefit from social immunity, whereby individual physiological defenses may be bolstered by collective‐level immune responses, such as grooming or sharing of antimicrobial substance through trophallaxis. We set out to determine whether differences in genetic diversity between colonies of the subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes, accounts for colony survival against pathogens. We sampled colonies throughout the United States (Texas, North Carolina, Maryland, and Massachusetts) and determined the level of inbreeding of each colony. To assess whether genetically diverse colonies were better able to survive exposure to diverse pathogens, we challenged groups of termite workers with two strains of a pathogenic fungus, one local strain present in the soil surrounding sampled colonies and another naïve strain, collected outside the range of this species. We found natural variation in the level of inbreeding between colonies, but this variation did not explain differences in susceptibility to either pathogen. Although the naïve strain was found to be more hazardous than the local strain, colony resistance was correlated between two strains, meaning that colonies had either relatively high or low susceptibility to both strains regardless of their inbreeding coefficient. Overall, our findings may reflect differential virulence between the strains, immune priming of the colonies via prior exposure to the local strain, or a coevolved resistance toward this strain. They also suggest that colony survival may rely more upon additional factors, such as different behavioral response thresholds or the influence of a specific genetic background, rather than the overall genetic diversity of the colony.



近亲繁殖导致的遗传多样性减少会对病原体的抵抗力产生负面影响。这种关系在社会物种(例如社会昆虫)中变得更加复杂,因为疾病传播的机会随着个体之间相互作用的频率而增加。然而,社会性昆虫可能受益于社会免疫,个体的生理防御可能会通过集体水平的免疫反应得到加强,例如通过毛轴梳理或分享抗菌物质。我们着手确定地下白蚁(Reticulitermes flavipes)群体之间遗传多样性的差异是否是群体抵抗病原体生存的原因。我们对美国各地的蜂群(德克萨斯州、北卡罗来纳州、马里兰州和马萨诸塞州)进行了采样,并确定了每个蜂群的近交水平。为了评估遗传多样性的菌落是否能够更好地在不同病原体的暴露下生存,我们用两种致病真菌菌株对白蚁工蚁群体进行了挑战,一种是存在于采样菌落周围土壤中的本地菌株,另一种是在白蚁繁殖范围之外收集的幼稚菌株这个物种。我们发现菌落之间近交水平存在自然差异,但这种差异并不能解释对任一病原体的易感性差异。尽管发现幼稚菌株比本地菌株更危险,但两个菌株之间的菌落抗性相关,这意味着无论其近交系数如何,菌落对这两种菌株的敏感性相对较高或较低。总体而言,我们的研究结果可能反映了菌株之间的毒力差异、通过事先暴露于当地菌株而产生的菌落免疫启动,或者针对该菌株的共同进化的抗性。他们还表明,群体的生存可能更多地依赖于其他因素,例如不同的行为反应阈值或特定遗传背景的影响,而不是群体的整体遗传多样性。