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Situating ‘careful surveillance’
International Journal of Cultural Studies ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1177/1367877921997450
Mark Andrejevic 1 , Hugh Davies , Ruth DeSouza , Larissa Hjorth , Ingrid Richardson 2

In this article we explore preliminary findings from the study COVIDSafe and Beyond: Perceptions and Practices conducted in Australia in 2020. The study involved a survey followed by interviews, and aimed to capture the dynamic ways in which members of the Australian public perceive the impact of Covid practices – especially public health measures like the introduction of physical and social distancing, compulsory mask wearing, and contact tracing. In the rescripting of public space, different notions of formal and informal surveillance, along with different textures of mediated and social care, appeared. In this article, we explore perceptions around divergent forms of surveillance across social, technological, governmental modes, and the relationship of surveillance to care in our media and cultural practices. What does it mean to care for self and others during a pandemic? How does care get enacted in, and through, media interfaces and public interaction?



在本文中,我们探讨了2020年在澳大利亚进行的《 COVIDSafe及其他:感知与实践》研究的初步结果。该研究涉及一项调查,随后进行了访谈,目的在于捕捉澳大利亚公众对社会公众的影响的动态方式。 Covid做法-尤其是公共卫生措施,例如引入物理和社交距离,强制戴口罩和追踪接触。在公共空间的改写中,出现了正式和非正式监视的不同概念,以及不同形式的中介和社会关怀。在本文中,我们探讨了关于跨社会,技术,政府模式的监视的不同形式的看法,以及在我们的媒体和文化实践中监视与护理之间的关系。在大流行期间照顾自己和他人意味着什么?如何在媒体界面和公众互动中以及通过媒体互动制定护理措施?
