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When the closet is the grave: A critical review of the Bruce McArthur case
Sexualities ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1177/13634607211000193
Amar Wahab 1

The article investigates the social impossibilities and constructed killability of brown queers. It critically focuses on the Bruce McArthur case, which involved the serial killing of predominantly brown queer men between 2010 and 2017 in Toronto. The author analyzes mainstream (LGBT) media representations of the white serial killer as “ordinary, yet aberrant,” the queer victims of color as sexually and socially fuckable, and the murderous racism of the Canadian state. The article centers the concept of (queer)necropolitics in conversation with discourses of antiimmigration, anti-Muslim racism and racialized sexualities to situate the generative force of racialized sexualized violence in the case.


当壁橱成为坟墓时:对布鲁斯·麦克阿瑟(Bruce McArthur)案的批判性评论

本文调查了棕色同性恋者的社会可能性和可杀害性。它主要针对布鲁斯·麦克阿瑟(Bruce McArthur)案,该案涉及2010年至2017年在多伦多连环杀害主要是棕色酷儿的人。作者分析了白人连环杀手的主流(LGBT)媒体表示为“普通而又异常”,性酷酷的性受害者和性交社交者,以及加拿大国家的谋杀性种族主义。文章以反同性恋,反穆斯林种族主义和种族化性等话题为中心,讨论了(酷儿)政治僵化的概念,以将案件中种族化的性暴力的产生力置于情境中。
