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Western Yellow‐Billed Cuckoo Nest‐Site Selection and Success in Restored and Natural Riparian Forests
Journal of Wildlife Management ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22020
Jenna E. Stanek 1 , Shannon E. Mcneil 1 , Diane Tracy 1 , John R. Stanek 1 , Jeffrey A. Manning 2 , Murrelet D. Halterman 1

The western distinct population segment of yellow‐billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus; western cuckoo) has been extirpated from most of its former breeding range in the United States because of widespread loss and degradation of riparian cottonwood (Populus spp.)‐willow (Salix spp.) forests. Restoration and management of breeding habitat is important to the recovery of this federally threatened species, and identification of high‐quality breeding habitat can help improve the success of recovery. In 2005, the Lower Colorado River Multi‐Species Conservation Program, a long‐term, multi‐agency effort, was initiated to maintain and create wildlife habitat within the historical floodplain of the lower Colorado River (LCR) for federally endangered and threatened species, including western cuckoos. We conducted an empirical, multi‐scale field investigation from 2008–2012 to identify habitat characteristics selected by nesting western cuckoos along the LCR. Multiple logistic regression models revealed that western cuckoos selected nest sites characterized by increased densities of small, native, early successional trees measuring 8–23 cm diameter at breast height, and lower diurnal temperature compared to available habitat in restoration and natural forests. Nesting cuckoos selected sites with increased percent canopy closure, which was also important for nest success in restoration sites along the LCR. Our results show habitat components selected by nesting western cuckoos in restoration and natural riparian forests and can help guide the creation, enhancement, and management of riparian forests with habitat conditions necessary to promote nesting of western cuckoos. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.



在美国,黄嘴杜鹃(Coccyzus americanus ;西方杜鹃)的西部不同种群已从美国大部分以前的繁殖范围中消失,这是由于河岸杨木(Populus spp。)-柳树的广泛损失和退化(Salixspp。)森林。繁殖栖息地的恢复和管理对于这种受到联邦威胁的物种的恢复很重要,而高质量的繁殖栖息地的识别可以帮助提高恢复的成功率。2005年,发起了一项长期的,多机构的下科罗拉多河多物种保护计划,目的是在科罗拉多河下游(LCR)的历史洪泛区内为联邦濒危和受威胁物种维护和创造野生动植物栖息地,包括西方杜鹃。我们从2008年至2012年进行了一次经验性,多尺度的野外调查,以确定通过沿LCR筑巢西部杜鹃而选择的栖息地特征。多个logistic回归模型显示,西方杜鹃选择的巢穴的特征是密度较小,原生的,与恢复和天然林中可用的栖息地相比,早期演替树木的胸径为8-23厘米直径,昼夜温度较低。筑巢的杜鹃选择的冠层封闭百分比增加,这对于在LCR沿线的恢复地点成功筑巢也很重要。我们的研究结果表明,通过在恢复性和天然河岸森林中筑巢西部杜鹃而选择的栖息地成分,可以帮助指导创建,增强和管理具有促进西部杜鹃筑巢的栖息地条件的河岸森林。©2021野生动物协会。这对于LCR沿线恢复地点的筑巢成功也很重要。我们的研究结果表明,通过在恢复性和天然河岸森林中筑巢西部杜鹃而选择的栖息地成分,可以帮助指导创建,增强和管理具有促进西部杜鹃筑巢的栖息地条件的河岸森林。©2021野生动物协会。这对于LCR沿线恢复地点的筑巢成功也很重要。我们的研究结果表明,通过在恢复性和天然河岸森林中筑巢西部杜鹃而选择的栖息地成分,可以帮助指导创建,增强和管理具有促进西部杜鹃筑巢的栖息地条件的河岸森林。©2021野生动物协会。