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Improving the Orbits of Four Visual Binaries Using Gaia DR2 Data and Observations with the 26-inch Refractor of Pulkovo Observatory
Astronomy Reports ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1134/s1063772921030021
L. G. Romanenko , I. S. Izmailov


We use a modified method of the apparent motion parameters (AMP), in which the initial data from the Gaia DR2 catalog are not only high-precision coordinates, parallaxes, and radial velocities of the components of the studied wide binary stars, but are also their proper motions. The coincidence of the AMP orbits obtained both from the Gaia DR2 data and from the Pulkovo series from 1960–2019 leads to an orbit that is unambiguous in terms of an ascending node. The results for improving the orbits of such visual binaries of the Pulkovo research program as ADS 246, 2757, 10386, and 12169 are presented. Orbits (with periods of 1226, 1075, 4500, and 4900 years), orbital orientation parameters in the Galaxy coordinate frame, and the masses of these systems are obtained (0.59 ± 0.05, 1.7 ± 0.3, 1.7 ± 0.4, and \(2.25 \pm 0.5{{M}_{ \odot }}\)). It is shown that dense homogeneous series of ground-based observations, such as CCD observations with the 26-inch refractor of the Pulkovo Observatory, do not lose their relevance, serve as the basis for identifying the best solution based on both Gaia data and our own observations, and should be continued. It was also shown that the Thiele–Innes method is not suitable for determining the orbits of binary stars with a separation of more than 100 AU. The paper is based on a presentation made at the conference “Astrometry yesterday, today, and tomorrow,” which took place on October 14–16, 2019 at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute of Moscow State University.


使用Gaia DR2数据和26英寸普尔科沃天文望远镜的折射镜改善四个视觉双星的轨道


我们使用视运动参数(AMP)的一种改进方法,其中Gaia DR2目录的初始数据不仅是所研究的宽双星恒星各组成部分的高精度坐标,视差和径向速度,而且还包括他们的正确动作。从Gaia DR2数据和1960-2019年的普尔科沃系列获得的AMP轨道的重合,得出一个在上升节点方面无歧义的轨道。提出了改善普尔科沃研究计划(例如ADS 246、2757、10386和12169)这类视觉双星轨道的结果。轨道(周期为1226、1075、4500和4900年),银河系坐标系中的轨道方向参数以及这些系统的质量(0.59±0.05、1.7±0.3、1.7±0.4和\(2.25 \ pm 0.5 {{M} _ {\ odot}} \))。结果表明,密集的均质系列地面观测,例如使用普尔科沃天文台的26英寸折射镜进行的CCD观测,并没有失去其相关性,它们是根据Gaia数据和我们的观测结果确定最佳解决方案的基础自己的观察,应该继续。研究还表明,Thiele-Innes方法不适合确定间隔大于100 AU的双星恒星。该论文基于在2019年10月14日至16日在莫斯科国立大学斯特恩伯格天文研究所举行的“昨天,今天和明天的星空术”会议上所作的介绍。
