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A Survey on Parthian Pithos Cemeteries on The Western Bank of The Little Zab River, Sardasht Region, Northwest Iran
Iran ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1080/05786967.2021.1889928
Salah Salimi 1 , Mostafa Dehpahlavan 1 , John MacGinnis 2


Sardasht is a mountainous region located in the northern part of the Zagros. The Little Zab river, has had an important role in the formation of archaeological sites in the region. During field studies conducted along the eastern bank of the Iranian Little Zab we found seven pithos cemeteries, as well as archaeological sites that belong to multiple cultures. Unfortunately, all the cemeteries have been disturbed by illegal excavations and many pithos cemeteries have been destroyed. We were able to recover a significant amount of ceramic material, including glazed potsherds and sherds of the fine orange “Clinky ware” characteristic of the Parthian period, as well as glass, agate and clay beads. This paper presents the evidence from the newly discovered Parthian cemeteries in Sardasht, and compares their characteristics with other known Parthian pithos cemeteries such as those at Mingeçevir, Germi, Kangavar, Taq-e Bostan, Marivan and the Acropolis and the Royal City of Susa. A comparative study on the shape of the pithoi and other finds indicates a close similarity between the pithos cemeteries of Sardasht with the cemeteries at Germi and Taq-e Bostan. Considering these comparisons, we believe that the Sardasht cemeteries date to the first and second centuries AD.




萨尔达什特是位于扎格罗斯北部的山区。小扎布河对该地区考古遗址的形成发挥了重要作用。在沿着伊朗小扎布河东岸进行的实地研究中,我们发现了七个皮托斯墓地,以及属于多种文化的考古遗址。不幸的是,所有墓地都受到非法挖掘的干扰,许多皮托斯墓地已被毁坏。我们能够回收大量的陶瓷材料,包括釉面陶器碎片和帕提亚时期特有的精美橙色“Clinky ware”碎片,以及玻璃、玛瑙和粘土珠。本文介绍了萨尔达什特新发现的安息人墓地的证据,并将它们的特征与其他已知的帕提亚 Pithos 墓地进行了比较,例如 Mingeçevir、Germi、Kangavar、Taq-e Bostan、Marivan 以及卫城和苏萨皇家城的墓地。对皮托斯形状和其他发现的比较研究表明,萨尔达什特的皮托斯墓地与杰尔米和塔克-博斯坦的墓地非常相似。考虑到这些比较,我们认为萨尔达什特墓地的历史可以追溯到公元一世纪和二世纪。
