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Opportunities for ABA intervention in Phelan–McDermid syndrome
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1080/20473869.2021.1895698
Kate A Schroeder 1 , Benjamin N Witts 1 , Michele R Traub 1

Phelan–McDermid syndrome (PMS), also called 22q13.3 deletion syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder affecting at least 2,000 people worldwide (Phelan–McDermid Syndrome Foundation, 2019 Phelan–McDermid Syndrome Foundation 2019. How rare is Phelan–McDermid? Retrieved September 26, 2020 from Phelan–McDermid Syndrome Foundation https://www.pmsf.org/what_is_pms/ [Google Scholar], How rare is Phelan–McDermid?). PMS has many distinguishing characteristics and many medical specialties have been recommended to treat the clinical features. While many therapies, including behavioral therapy, have been speculated to be beneficial in treating PMS, there is little known regarding their effectiveness [Costales, J. L. and Kolevzon, A. 2015. Phelan–McDermid syndrome and SHANK3: Implications for treatment. Neurotherapeutics: The Journal of the American Society for Experimental Neurotherapeutics, 12, 620–630.]. Behavior analysis has the capability to help in many areas of treatment for PMS either directly through, for example, behavior treatment to address aggressive behavior, or through collaborating with other specialties treating PMS by combining, for example, behavioral principles in the alleviation of medical issues such as constipation. Currently, there is a role for the behavior analyst to expand our field and identify effective treatments for those with PMS while we wait for a cure. In this paper, we discuss how medical considerations may affect behavior interventions and make recommendations for the behavior analyst working with PMS.


ABA 干预 Phelan-McDermid 综合征的机会

Phelan-McDermid 综合征 (PMS),也称为 22q13.3 缺失综合征,是一种罕见的遗传性疾病,影响全球至少 2,000 人(Phelan-McDermid 综合征基金会,2019 年费兰-麦克德米德综合症基金会2019 年Phelan–McDermid 有多罕见?2020 年 9 月 26 日从 Phelan–McDermid 综合症基金会 https://www.pmsf.org/what_is_pms/ 检索 [谷歌学术], Phelan–McDermid 有多罕见?)。PMS 具有许多显着特征,许多医学专业已被推荐用于治疗临床特征。虽然包括行为疗法在内的许多疗法被推测对治疗 PMS 有益,但人们对其有效性知之甚少 [Costales, JL and Kolevzon, A. 2015. Phelan–McDermid syndrome and SHANK3: Implications for treatment. 神经治疗学:美国实验神经治疗学会杂志,12, 620–630.]。行为分析有能力在 PMS 的许多治疗领域提供帮助,例如直接通过行为治疗来解决攻击性行为,或者通过与其他治疗 PMS 的专业合作,例如,缓解便秘等医疗问题的行为原则。目前,行为分析师的职责是扩大我们的领域,并在我们等待治愈的同时为 PMS 患者确定有效的治疗方法。在本文中,我们讨论了医学考虑因素如何影响行为干预,并为使用 PMS 的行为分析师提出建议。
