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María G. Rendón Stagnant Dreamers: How the Inner City Shapes the Integration of Second‐Generation Latinos Russell Sage Foundation, 2019. 320 p. $39.95 (paper)
Population and Development Review ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1111/padr.12390
Sara R. Curran 1

Through a longitudinal ethnographic study of two Los Angeles neighborhoods and their young adult Latino residents, María Rendón systematically collected and analyzed compelling evidence to render an important argument for reframing social science perspectives about the social mechanisms shaping life trajectories of second‐generation immigrants. Rendón's account revisits two arguments about the urban underclass and Mexican second‐generation immigrant incorporation with refreshing new evidence urban experiences between 2007 and 2012. Consequently, Rendón refutes earlier arguments that were grounded in tropes related to a culture of poverty or downward assimilation through cultural identification with the underclass. Rendón also refutes arguments about immigrant work ethics and upward assimilation of second‐generation children. Neither of these outcomes result among the young men in her study and in the context of Los Angeles neighborhoods during this time period.

Rendón sets the stage by arguing for the case selection as representing two puzzles and worthy of investigation. Namely, residents of two of the poorest, most segregated, violent, and least resourced and institutionally enriched neighborhoods in Los Angeles, should only produce underclass outcomes for young adults, according to many urban sociologists. Furthermore, many immigration scholars have consistently argued that Mexican immigrant children, the 1.5‐ or second‐generation immigrants, are more likely to downwardly assimilate and have among the poorest outcomes compared to other immigrant groups. Rendón suggests that contrary to these generalized patterns from earlier decades of research, the young men in her study do not end up in the urban underclass, on the whole. Instead, they mostly remain, much like their parents, in the working class. The first puzzle is, therefore, why do they not do as poorly as might be expected based on theory and earlier evidence? The second puzzle is, when they do go onto college and have substantial social support from family, why do they not do better? In both cases, most of the young men in her study experience neither downward assimilation nor upwardly assimilation. They are stuck where their parents landed upon their arrival to the United States.

Stagnant Dreamers is divided in two parts. The first part examines the two urban contexts of the fictitiously named and selected neighborhoods—Pueblo Viejo and Central City. The descriptions show how both neighborhoods represent places of overwhelming poverty and neglect, as well as hypersegregation. These two places are meant to be contexts described in most urban sociology texts as places of the truly disadvantaged. The two places are also meant to be placed in comparison. While both neighborhoods have high numbers of Latinx residents, Pueblo Viejo is overwhelming Latinx and mostly Mexican and Chicano. Central City is mostly black, although the neighborhood had also recently shifted to include more Latinx residents since the 2000 census. Pueblo Viejo's street life is described by Rendón with characterizations that include small shop owners, street vendors, services offered in Spanish, religious venues and churches, and foods and goods that evoke the image of an ethnic enclave. Central City is not described in these terms and even described as less institutionally varied and enriched. Pueblo Viejo and Central City, therefore, offer an opportunity to compare the influences of immigrant social capital and institutionalized poverty.

Also in the first part of the book is a description of the parents’ arrival to the United States. Here, Rendón elaborates two sets of structural and related arguments about the contexts of childhood and young adulthood for the young men in her study. The parents in her study, for the most part, arrived at the end of the 1980s or early 1990s. They arrived at a time of extremely high levels of gang violence in Los Angeles, and this violence shocked them. They had arrived with dreams of opportunities only to find themselves fearing for their lives. In addition, not all arrived with established social networks that could support them and be leveraged. Some of the parents stood up to the violence and sought to reclaim social spaces from gang members, while others recoiled and shrank their social spaces so as to avoid violence, increasing their social isolation. The shocking violence, variably helpful social networks, and parental approaches to managing the structural uncertainties of the social disorder in the two neighborhoods sets the stage for remainder of the book.

In the second part of the book, Rendón takes the reader along the life journeys of 42 young men, first interviewed in 2007 and then reinterviewed in 2012. This section of the book is organized in four parts to illustrate how the cases reveal alternative theoretical explanations than current sociological orthodoxy about urban poverty and immigrant incorporation. In Chapter 4, Rendón demonstrates how all of the young men are exposed to violence, including bodily harm to themselves, but that those with cohesive kin networks were buffered from exposure to high amounts and levels of violence. This buffering effect not only reduces exposure to violence but also prevents dropping out of high school. In other words, in both neighborhood contexts, further downward assimilation is prevented by cohesive community and kin networks. Very low exposure to violence, furthermore, was associated with continuing on to college after high school.

Nevertheless, in Chapter 5, Rendón shows how educational attainment and cohesive social and community networks had no effect on class mobility. All of the young men in her study landed squarely among the working poor. Rendón argues that the major challenge in truly disadvantaged neighborhoods is that hypersegregation, even in the presence of strong social networks, does not contain enough social capital that can empower and leverage young men out of the working poor. Missing are support agents and empowering social capital. Furthermore, immigrant work ethic narratives that reinforce meritocracy continue to resonate within the community, rather than the need to cultivate strategic network ties with institutional agents that can help a child get a foot in the door. And, when children make it to college, they do not have nearby cohesive social networks that support their navigation of higher education environs. Many of the young men reported feeling lost at how best to use their time in college.

As the young men mature, we learn in Chapter 6 about how they understand better their pathways for navigating life. Rendón illustrates how many of the more successful young men understood key moments when a strategic agent or mentor helped them make it. In some cases, it was a combination of steady familial support and the help of a high school counselor, a coethnic who gave them a chance at a job, or parish priest. A particularly profound observation of the study is that at least one third of the young men are socially isolated with no one to turn to for help. These young men truly flounder and experience great hardship.

Nevertheless, in the final empirical chapter, Rendón illustrates how these young men, on the whole, remain remarkably determined. None have adopted an oppositional perspective on their situation, the context, or society, despite their hardships. In making sense of their lives, Rendón renders their voices into three types in the context of the American opportunity structure—resolute optimists (the modal category), the determined, and the self‐blamers. Resolute optimists see structural conditions of their lives as an open system with lots of opportunities. The determined see the structural conditions as closed or constrained. The self‐blamers see the structural conditions as open, but their standpoint about themselves is pessimistic. However, notably, the numbers following into each ideal type shifts from the first wave of interviews to the last. Little is made of this shift, even though over half are no longer resolute optimists by 2012.

Rendón's methodological appendix is a well‐wrought description of the study design, providing a valuable and replicable model for future qualitative research and ethnographic investigations. The clear and thoughtful reflections on positionality, ethics, theory‐driven neighborhood selection, purposeful sampling of respondents and their parents, and prospective study design illustrate how qualitative methods can illuminate social mechanisms and generate new hypotheses and models. For example, Chapters 4, 5, and 7 provide great examples of how ethnographic evidence can be used to build a proposed model of social relations and outcomes. My quibble about the methodological account is that there is no description about how qualitative material was coded, interrogated, compared, and contrasted in order to draw inferences and insights. In particular and especially challenging, in longitudinal ethnographic studies, are how respondent accounts can change, memories change, or perspectives evolve. This evolution of perspectives or the contingent nature of meaningfulness can sometimes offer contradictory interpretations, even for the same person at different points of time. From a methodological standpoint, Rendón does not describe whether there were contradictions and evolution of meanings and how they might have been resolved. Furthermore, this notion about how meaning is social constructed, contingent and dynamic is not apparent in the main body of the text. Nevertheless, the overwhelmingly strong argument for structural explanations rather than cultural ones in this powerful account, the missing social construction component of shifting meaning, does not undermine the case for the profound findings and conclusions to be drawn from Stagnant Dreamers. In sum, Rendón makes a strong case for investments in schools, community centers, and social support institutions that empower and leverage socioeconomic mobility, as well as the economies of neighborhoods. Furthermore, Rendón argues for better and more robust social support systems for those who make it out and into college. This is a story of human resiliency and promise, as well as one of profoundly lacking policy imagination and political will to investment in places of need.


MaríaG.Rendón停滞的梦想家:内城如何塑造第二代拉丁裔拉塞尔人罗素Sage基金会的融合,2019年。320页。$ 39.95(纸)



停滞的梦想家分为两个部分。第一部分研究了虚拟命名和选择的社区的两个城市环境-普韦布洛维耶霍(Pueblo Viejo)和中心城市。描述说明了这两个街区是如何代表压倒性的贫困和忽视以及过度种族隔离的地方。这两个地方是在大多数城市社会学文献中被描述为真正处境不利者的地方。这两个地方也有待比较。虽然这两个街区都有大量拉丁裔居民,但普韦布洛·维耶荷(Pueblo Viejo)压倒了拉丁裔,主要是墨西哥人和奇卡诺人。尽管自2000年人口普查以来,该社区最近也已转移到包括更多拉丁裔居民的位置,但市中心几乎都是黑人。Rendón对Pueblo Viejo的街头生活进行了描述,其特征包括小商店老板,街头小贩,在西班牙提供的服务,宗教场所和教堂,以及唤起民族飞地形象的食品和商品。没有用这些术语来描述中心城市,甚至说它在制度上没有那么多的变化和丰富。因此,普韦布洛维耶荷(Pueblo Viejo)和中心城市提供了一个机会,可以比较移民的社会资本和制度化贫困的影响。






