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Context Matters: Differential Effects of Discrimination by Environmental Context on Depressive Symptoms Among College Students of Color
Clinical Social Work Journal ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10615-021-00792-1
Rob Eschmann , Ryan W. Gryder , Gerri Connaught , Xiang Zhao , Sae-Mi Jeon , Ernest Gonzales

Experiences with more subtle racism – which have been called microaggressions – have a host of negative effects on health, mental health, educational performance, and general well-being on people of color. In this study we draw on a longitudinal dataset of Black, Latinx, and Asian students in higher education and use the microaggression framework to distinguish between the types of reported subtle experiences with discrimination, including (1) classroom-based, or perceived discrimination or discomfort in the classroom; (2) microassaults, or verbal assaults; (3) discomfort, or perceived discomfort on campus because of race, (4) criminality, which refers to both being stopped by University police and (5) refusal to acknowledge intra-racial differences, which here describes experiences with intraracial microaggressions. Our findings explore (1) the differential effects of different types of microaggressions on symptoms of depression (2) intergroup differences in effects of microaggressions on depression and (3) the differential effects of different types of microaggressions over time.



具有更微妙的种族主义的经历-被称为微侵略-对健康,心理健康,教育表现以及有色人种的总体健康有很多负面影响。在这项研究中,我们利用高等教育中的黑人,拉丁裔和亚洲学生的纵向数据集,并使用微侵略框架来区分所报告的细微歧视经历的类型,包括(1)基于课堂的歧视,或感觉到的歧视或不适在教室里 (2)微攻击或口头攻击;(3)因种族而造成的不适或校园不适感;(4)犯罪,是指被大学警察制止;(5)拒绝承认种族间的差异,此处描述了种族内微侵略的经历。
