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Mapping the Soil Vulnerability Index across broad spatial extents to guide conservation efforts
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-01 , DOI: 10.2489/jswc.2021.1015a
Ellen M. Audia , Lisa A. Schulte , David E. James

THE NEED FOR TARGETED AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION The 2008 Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Action Plan was developed in response to national water quality impairments that were largely caused by agricultural land uses within and around the US Corn Belt ([Alexander et al. 2008][1]; [Mississippi River Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force 2008][2]). The plan prompted states to create nutrient reduction strategies to achieve a 45% reduction in total nitrogen (N) and total phosphorus (P) loads into the Mississippi River, and thereby alleviate the hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico ([Mississippi River Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force 2008][2]). Similar to other state strategies, the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy (INRS) promotes the widespread and voluntary adoption of best management practices (BMPs) to achieve nutrient reduction goals. The INRS establishes goals of 41% and 29% reductions in total N and total P, respectively, from nonpoint sources from a 1980 to 1996 baseline ([Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship et al. 2017][3]). These goals are largely dependent on regional conservation funding and infrastructure to inform and incentivize BMP adoption at individual farm scales ([Zimmerman et al. 2019a][4]). [1]: #ref-1 [2]: #ref-17 [3]: #ref-10 [4]: #ref-34



有针对性的农业保护的需要《 2008年墨西哥湾低氧行动计划》是针对国家水质损害而制定的,该损害主要是由美国玉米带内外的农业土地使用引起的([Alexander等,2008] [1]; [密西西比河墨西哥湾流域营养工作队2008] [2]。该计划促使各州制定减少养分的策略,以使进入密西西比河的总氮(N)和总磷(P)减少45%,从而缓解墨西哥湾的缺氧区([密西西比河湾墨西哥流域营养工作组,2008年[2]。与其他州策略类似,爱荷华州减少营养素策略(INRS)促进了广泛采用和自愿采用最佳管理规范(BMP),以实现减少营养的目标。INRS设定了从1980年到1996年的基准点分别从非点源减少总氮和总磷减少41%和29%的目标([爱荷华州农业和土地管理部等,2017] [3])。这些目标很大程度上取决于区域保护资金和基础设施,以告知和鼓励在各个农场规模采用BMP([Zimmerman et al。2019a] [4])。[1]:#ref-1 [2]:#ref-17 [3]:#ref-10 [4]:#ref-34