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Stejneger's beaked whale strandings in Alaska, 1995–2020
Marine Mammal Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-08 , DOI: 10.1111/mms.12780
Katharine N. Savage 1 , Kathy Burek‐Huntington 2 , Sadie K. Wright 1 , Anna L. Bryan 3 , Gay Sheffield 4 , Marc Webber 5, 6 , Raphaela Stimmelmayr 7, 8 , Pam Tuomi 9 , Martha A. Delaney 10 , William Walker 11

Presented here is the first comprehensive and updated compilation of history, distribution, and findings of Stejneger's beaked whales (Mesoplodon stejnegeri) in Alaska. Stejneger's beaked whales are a poorly understood, elusive, deep-diving cetacean species found in the North Pacific Ocean. Since Stejneger's beaked whale strandings data in Alaska through 1994 were last published, 35 additional strandings have been documented. Twenty-seven animals stranded in the Aleutian Islands, seven stranded in Southcentral Alaska, and one animal stranded on St. Lawrence Island. Twenty-two carcasses were necropsied, but only four were fresh. Seventeen of the 22 died during mass stranding events and cause of death could not be definitively determined. Barotrauma was suspected in three cases and infectious disease possibly complicated by barotrauma occurred in two cases. We documented an expansion of strandings into the northern Bering Sea, characterized a sex bias, examined stomach contents that included macroplastic, and identified parasites not previously associated with Stejneger's beaked whales. Also included are data on the largest known mass stranding of Stejneger's beaked whales, which occurred on Adak Island in 2018. The history, distribution, and findings presented here are central to further our understanding of this species.


Stejneger 的喙鲸在阿拉斯加搁浅,1995-2020

这里展示的是第一部关于 Stejneger 喙鲸 ( Mesoplodon stejnegeri) 在阿拉斯加。Stejneger 的喙鲸是在北太平洋发现的一种知之甚少、难以捉摸的深潜鲸类物种。自从 Stejneger 于 1994 年在阿拉斯加的喙鲸搁浅数据上次发表以来,已经记录了 35 次额外的搁浅。27 只动物滞留在阿留申群岛,7 只动物滞留在阿拉斯加中南部,1 只动物滞留在圣劳伦斯岛。剖检了 22 具尸体,但只有 4 具是新鲜的。22 人中有 17 人在大规模搁浅事件中死亡,死因无法确定。疑似气压伤3例,可能并发气压伤的传染病2例。我们记录了搁浅向北白令海的扩张,其特征是性别偏见,检查了包括大塑料在内的胃内容物,并确定了以前与 Stejneger 的喙鲸无关的寄生虫。还包括 2018 年发生在阿达克岛的最大的 Stejneger 喙鲸大规模搁浅的数据。此处介绍的历史、分布和发现对于我们进一步了解该物种至关重要。