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Society News
Brain Pathology ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1111/bpa.12850


Dr Seth Love

Institute of Clinical Neurosciences

School of Clinical Sciences

University of Bristol

Level 2, Learning & Research

Southmead Hospital

Bristol BS10 5NB


Email: pasl@bristol.ac.uk

Past President

Dr Hitoshi Takahashi

Department of Pathology

Brain Research Institute

1‐757 Asahimachi


Niigata University

Niigata 951‐8585


Email: hitoshi@bri.niigata-u.ac.jp


Dr SY Park (Korea), Email: shparknp@snu.ac.kr

Dr S Murayama (Japan), Email: smurayam@tmig.or.jp

Dr Douglas Anthony (USA), Email: douglas_anthony@brown.edu


Dr Monika Hofer

Neuropathology and Ocular Pathology Department

Level 1, West Wing

John Radcliffe Hospital

Oxford OX3 9DU

United Kingdom

Email: monika.hofer@nhs.net

Project Secretary

Dr Audrey Rousseau

Departement de Pathologie Cellulaire et Tissulaire



4, rue Larrey

49100 ANGERS


Email: audrey.rousseau@univ-angers.fr

Editor of Brain Pathology

Dr Markus Glatzel

Institute of Neuropathology

Universitätsklinikum Hamburg‐Eppendorf

Martinistr. 52

20246 Hamburg


Email: m.glatzel@uke.de


Dr Stephan Frank

Pathologie Universitätsspital Basel

Schönbeinstrasse 40

CH‐4031 Basel


Email: stephan.frank@anti-clutterusb.ch


Dr Maria Thom

Department of Neuropathology

Institute of Neurology

Queen Square

London WC1N 3BG


Email: m.thom@ion.ucl.ac.uk

Chair Training and Development Subcommittee

Dr Raj Kalaria (UK), Email: r.n.kalaria@newcastle.ac.uk

Book Editors

Dr Herbert Budka (Austria), Email: herbert.budka@meduniwien.ac.at

Dr Homa Adle‐Biassette (France), Email: homa.adle@inserm.fr

Ordinary members of the Executive Committee

Dr Marc Del Bigio (Canada), Email: marc.delbigio@umanitoba.ca

Dr Laura Chavez‐Macias (Mexico), Email: laurachm@prodigy.net.mx

Dr Takashi Komori (Japan), Email: komori-tk@igakuken.or.jp


Edited by Audrey Rousseau

We are pleased to announce that Brain Pathology will join Wiley's Open Access portfolio beginning January 2021. As a result, all submissions received from 14th October onward will be subject to an Article Publication Charge (APC) if accepted and published in the journal. ISN members are eligible for a 10% discount off the Open Access APC. For more information on the fees, please click "https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/17503639/article_publication_charges"here.

ISN travel grants for trainees to visit centres of excellence. The ISN will annually award up to 3 grants, each of up to $1200 (approximately $1600 US), to support visits of neuropathology trainees in developing countries to neuropathology centres of excellence. The primary aim of such visits should be to provide training for the grant recipient and to promote future educational interactions between the host department and that of the trainee. The application, with a brief explanation of the reasons for the visit and intended benefits, should be made by the trainee’s head of department if applicable, or another senior member of staff in his/her institution, and should be accompanied by the applicant’s CV. In addition a letter of support should be sent by the head of the neuropathology department in the host institution. The application, CV and letter of support should be emailed to the Secretary General of the ISN, Monika Hofer (monika.hofer@nhs.net). Applications may be made at any time and awards will be made available through the host institution.

Bursaries to attend educational meetings. The ISN will provide up to 4 awards annually (and a maximum of 2 per meeting), each of up to $2500 (approximately $3400 US), to support trainees in neuropathology to attend internationally recognized courses in neuropathology, such as the Euro CNS courses (http://www.euro-cns.org/events/cme-training-courses). Please note that these bursaries are not available for attendance at the International Summer School for Neuropathology and Epilepsy Surgery, for which there is a separate awards system which should be applied for directly via the course organisers (http://www.epilepsie-register.de). Applicants should be from low‐middle income, non‐European/North American countries (http://data.worldbank.org/news/new-country-classifications). The application, giving a brief explanation of intended benefits from attending the course, should be made by the trainee’s head of department and should be accompanied by the applicant’s CV. The application, CV and letter of support should be emailed to the Secretary General of the ISN, Monika Hofer (monika.hofer@nhs.net). Applications may be made at any time and the funds may be used to support registration fees, economy travel and accommodation.

ISN Website. The Society has a website (http://www.intsocneuropathol.com/) where you can find details of recent and forthcoming ISN events, publications, Society officers and links to Brain Pathology cases of the month. To access minutes of recent Council and Executive meetings, or the contact details of members, you will need to register using the tab at the bottom of the page after obtaining an invitation code from one of your councillors. We would welcome any feedback on the site and suggestions for its further use. Please send your comments to monika.hofer@nhs.net.

Updates of the online Membership Directory of the ISN and of the Society News. Members of the ISN and members of National Societies who changed their address or parts of the address are asked to send their complete address by e‐mail to the Secretary General of the ISN, Dr Monika Hofer. Changes of the officers of National Societies and special events in these Societies should be announced by e‐mail to the Project Secretary, Dr Audrey Rousseau. The Project Secretary should regularly collect information on the number of neuropathologists and neuropathology trainees in all ISN member countries. (The corresponding e‐mail addresses are indicated next to the “Dear Reader” column in this issue of Brain Pathology).

The 12th European Congress of Neuropathology will be held in Odense, Denmark, from May 31 to June 3, 2021 (www.ecnp2020.dk). A EURO‐CNS pre‐congress course (Tumors of the Central Nervous System): All courses of 2020 will be postponed to 2021 or later (www.eurocns.org). The 19th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro‐Oncology will be held in Nagano, Japan, from December 13 to December 16, 2020 (www.ispno2020.umin.jp). The 48th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery will be held in Singapore from November 15 to November 21, 2020.

The deadline for the bidding process to hold the XXI International Congress of Neuropathology (ICN 2026) has been extended to the 8th January 2021.


Argentina. The officers of the Argentine Society are: Dra. Ana Lıa Taratuto (ataratuto@fleni.org.ar) Department of Neuropathology, Instituto de Investigaciones Neurologicas “Dr Raul Carrea”— FLENI, and Dr Gustavo Sevlever (gsevlever@fleni.org.ar), Montanese 2325‐(1428) Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: 154‐1 788‐3444; Fax 154‐1 784‐7620. The address of the Argentine Society is: c/o Dra. Ana Lıa Taratuto.

Austria. The President of the Austrian Society of Neuropathology is Johannes A. Hainfellner MD, Institute of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna, Johannes.Hainfellner@meduniwien.ac.at. Secretary is Serge Weis MD, Institute of Pathology, Wagner Jauregg Hospital Linz, Serge.Weis@gespag.at. Treasurer: Johannes Haybaeck, MD Department of Neuropathology, Medical University of Graz, Johannes.Haybaeck@medunigraz.at. The address of the Austrian Society is: Osterreichische Gesellschaft fur Neuropathologie, c/o Dr Johannes Hainfellner, Institute of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna, AKH4J, Währinger Gürtel 18–20, A‐1097 Vienna, Austria. Website: http://www.oegnp.at/de/

Australia and New Zealand. The president of Australian and New Zealand Society for Neuropathology is Prof. Catriona McLean (C.McLean@alfred.org.au) and the secretary/treasurer is Dr Michael Rodriguez. The councillor is Dr Michael Rodriguez (Michael.Rodriguez@sswahs.nsw.gov.au). The new address of the Society is: Department of Anatomical Pathology, Alfred Health, Prahran, Victoria, Australia 3181. Website: www.anzsnp.org.au.

Baltic Association of Neuropathologists (BAN). A multinational neuropathological association with colleagues from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The current president is Zane Jaunmuktane (zane.jaunmuktane@inbox.lv), the vice presidents are Dr. Inga Gudinaviciene (inga.gudinaviciene@lsmuni.lte-mail: inga.gudinaviciene@kmu.lt, Tel: +370 37 787332; Fax: +370 37 3264 05, Department of Pathology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Hospital Kaunas Clinics, Eiveniu 2, LT 50009, Kaunas, Lithuania) and Dr. Andres Kulia (andreskulla@hot.ee).

Belgium. The president of the Belgian Society of Neuropathology is Prof Dr Patrick Cras (patrick.cras@uantwerpen.be). The treasurer is Dr Caroline Vandenbroecke (caroline.vandenbroecke@UGent.be). The secretary is Dr Alex Michotte. The address of the Belgische Groepering voor Neuropathologie/Groupement Belge de Neuropathologie is: Dr Alex Michotte, Department of Pathology and Neurology, AZ Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laarbeeklaan, 101, B‐1090 Brussels, Belgium; Tel: +32‐2‐4775080; Fax: +32‐24775085; E‐mail: alex.michotte@az.vub.ac.be. Website: http://www.neuro.be/

Brazil. The current delegate of Neuropathology Divison (a chapter of Brazilian Society of Pathology) is Prof. MSc. Francine Hehn de Oliveira, neuropathologist at Hospital de Clınicas de Porto Alegre, Professor of Anatomic Pathology at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The new adress is: Brazilian Society of Neuropathology ‐ Division of Neuropathology (c/o Prof. Francine Hehn de Oliveira); Topazio Street, 980 ‐ Vila Mariana ‐ São Paulo (SP); ZIP CODE: 04105‐063. Tel: +55 (11) 5080‐5298. e‐mail address: fran-hehn@gmail.com.

Canada. The current President of the Canadian Association of Neuropathologists is Dr. Peter V. Gould, service d'anatomopathologie, Hôpital de l'Enfant‐Jésus du CHU de Québec ‐ Université Laval, email peter.gould@fmed.ulaval.ca. The Secretary‐Treasurer of the CANP is Dr. Peter Schutz, Division of Neuropathology, Vancouver General Hospital, email peter.schutz@vch.ca. The website is http://www.canp.ca. Current representatives to the International Society of Neuropathologists are: Dr. Ian Mackenzie, Dr. Julia Keith and Dr. Peter Gould. The 2020 meeting of the CANP, originally scheduled for Saskatoon in October, has been replaced by a virtual meeting. Further details will be forthcoming. The 2021 meeting of the CANP will take place in Saskatoon.

China. Prof Xu Qing‐Zhong, Xuan Wu Hospital (zhangvivian@vip.sina.com), serves as chairman of the Society. The address of the Chinese Society of Neuropathology is: c/o Assoc Prof Lu De‐Hong, Secretary, Department of Pathology, XuanWu Hospital, Capital Institute of Medicine, Beijing 100053, People’s Republic of China; Tel: +86‐301.3355‐2329. Fax: +86‐3042809. The member of the ISN executive is Prof Xiaokun Qi, Director and Professor of Neurology, Navy General Hospital of P. L. A., No. 6 Fucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China, 100048, Tel(O):0086‐10‐66957521, Fax(O):0086‐10‐68780622, bjqxk@sina.com.

Croatia. The following officers of the Croatian Section of Neuropathology were elected as members of the board: President: Prof Dr Vladimir Hlavka; Honorary President: Prof Dr Nenad Grcevic; Vice President: Prof Dr Dubravka Jadro‐Santel, Doc. Dr Jasna Talan‐Hranilovic; Secretary: Dr Kamelija Zarkovic. The address of the President is: Department of Neuropathology, University Hospital Rebro, Kispaticeva 12, 41000 Zagreb, Croatia; Tel/Fax: 1385 01/222‐706.

Czech Republic. The address of the Czech Republic Society of Neuropathology is: c/o Dr M. Elleder (Secretary), Hlava Institute of Pathology, Medical Faculty, Studnickova 2, 128 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic.

France. The President of the French Society of Neuropathology is Professor Danielle Seilhean, Laboratoire de Neuropathologie Raymond Escourolle, CHU Paris‐GH La Pitié‐Salpêtrière, Paris (danielle.seilhean@upmc.fr) and the Treasurer is Professor Catherine Godfraind. The web site is (log‐in required): http://www.sf-neuro.org/indexl.php3?pageID5sfn_sfnp.

Germany. Officers are Professor Clemens Sommer, Mainz: President, Professor Werner Paulus (werner.paulus@uni-muenster.de), Muenster: Past President, Christian Mawrin, Magdeburg: Secretary General, and Professor Axel Pagenstecher, Marburg: Treasurer. Councillors are: Markus Glatzel, Jochen Herms, Kathy Keyvani, Werner Paulus, Torsten Pietsch. www.dgnn.de/

Greece. President of the Hellenic society of Neuropathology: E. Patsouris, Professor and Chairman of Pathology; Vice President: M. Panayiota, Assistant Professor; Secretary: E. Chatzigianni, Pathologist, Treasurer: C. Panayiota, Pathologist. Address for correspondence: Prof. E. Patsouris, University of Athens, Department of Pathology, Mikras Asias 75, Athens, GR‐11527 Goudi, Greece; Tel: +30‐210‐7462158/7462017/7462229; Fax: +30‐210 7462157; E‐mail: panatomy@med.uoa.gr or epatsour@meduoa.gr.

Hungary. President: Dr. Tibor Hortobagyi (hortobagyi@med.unideb.hu); General Secretary: Dr. Gabor G. Kovacs (gabor. kovacs@meduniwien.ac.at); Executive Committee Members: Dr. Samuel KOMOLY, Dr. Tibor Kovacs, Dr. Peter P. Molnar; Councilors are: Tibor Hortobagyi and Gabor Kovacs.

India. The address of the Section of Neuropathology of India is: c/o Dr Chitra Sarkar, Department of Pathology, All India Institute for Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi‐110029; Tel: +91‐11‐26593371; Fax: +91‐11‐26588663 E‐mail: sarkar.chitra@gmail.com.

Iran. Two pathologists/neuropathologists represent the speciality. Alireza Sadeghi Pour M.D., Associate professor of pathology and Lab. Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences‐School of Medicine, Department of Pathology and Lab. Medicine, Rasool‐Akram Hospital, 1445613131 Tehran, Phone and Fax: +98 21‐66525587 (sadeghipour.alireza@gmail.com). Dr. Yalda Nilipour, Associate Professor of Pathology and Lab. Medicine, Pediatric Pathology Research Center, Research Institute for Children Health, Mofid Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (yalnil@yahoo.com).

Ireland. The President of the Irish Society of Neuropathology is Dr Catherine Keohane, Consultant Neuropathologist, Department of Pathology (Neuropathology), Cork University Hospital. E‐mail: katy. keohane@gmail.comckeohane@shb.ie, the Secretary is Dr Michael A. Farrell (E‐mail: mfarrell@indigo.ie) and the Treasurer is Dr Francesca M Brett (E‐mail: fmbrett@iol.ie). The INP Soc continues to meet at least twice yearly to discuss difficult and interesting cases.

Italy. The President of the Society is Prof. Salvatore Monaco Alessandro Mauro, Universita degli Studi di Verona Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche d della Visione Sezione di Neurologia Clinica Facolta di Medicina e Chirurgia, Verona (salvatore.monaco@univr.it) Dipartimento Neuroscienze, Auxologico Italiano IRCCS, Torino, E‐mail: alessandro.mauro@unito.it, the Secretary Treasurer is Prof Giovanna Cenacchi, Bologna (giovanna.cenacchi@unibo.it) Elena Pegoraro, Dipartimento Neuroscienze, Universita di Padova, Padova, E‐mail: elena.pegoraro@unipd.it. The councillors are Prof. Alessandro Simonati, University of Verona, and Dr. Fabrizio Tagliavini, Istituto C. Besta, Milan. The Italian Association of Neuropathology (AINP) meets once a year on annual general meeting, jointly with Italian Association for Research on the Aging Brain. The website is: http://www.neuropathology.it.

Japan. The President of the Japanese Society of Neuropathology is Professor Hitoshi Takahashi. Professor Takahashi’s address is as follows: Department of Pathology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, 1‐757 Asahimachi‐tohri, Chuo‐ku, Niigata 951‐8585, Japan, E‐mail: hitoshi@bri.niigata-u.ac.jp. The Treasurer is Professor Koichi Wakabayashi, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine. The International Communication Committee of the Society now comprised the following members: Haruhiko Akiyama (Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science; Takeshi Iwat‐subo (Tokyo University Graduate School of Medicine); Hitoshi Takahashi (President, see above); Kiyomitsu Oyanagi (Shinshu University School of Medicine); Hidehiro Mizusawa (National Center Hospital, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry); and MariYoshida (Aichi Medical University). Neuropathology, the official journal of the Society, is a bimonthly published in English. The Editor‐in‐Chief is Professor Toru Iwaki (Graduate School of Medical Sciences Kyushu University). The Journal welcomes submissions of original papers from non‐members of the Society. TheWeb Site of the Society in English is http://www.jsnp.jp/en/index.htm. Contact Person of the Society is Dr. Akiyoshi Kakita (Department of Pathology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University, 1‐757 Asahimachi‐tohri, Chuo‐ku, Niigata 951‐8585, Japan; E‐mail: kakita@bri.niigata-u.ac.jp). The early bird registration is now open.

Mexico. The officers are as follows: Dr. Marco Antonio Rodriguez‐Florido, President (E‐mail: mar-florido@hotmail.com); Dr. Dafne Thamara Ayala‐Davila, Secretary (E‐mail: daf_tham@ yahoo.com.mx); Dr. Martha Lilia Tena‐Suck, Treasurer (E‐mail: mltenasuck@gmail.com); Dr. Maria Adelita Vizcaino‐Villalobos, Officer (E‐mail: ade_pumas7@yahoo.com.mx).

The Netherlands. The president of the Dutch Society of Neuropathology is Dr. W.F.A. den Dunnen, Dept. of Neuropathology, Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen, Nederland (Email: w.f.a.den.dunnen@umcg.nl). Secretary is Dr. T.M. Teune, Maasstad Ziekenhuis (email: teunet@maasstadziekenhuis.nl).

Poland. The officers of the Polish Association of Neuropathologists are: Prof. Dr hab. Janusz Szymas, President (email: jszymas@ampat.amu.edu.pl); Doc. dr hab: Teresa Wierzba‐Bobrowicz, Vice President. Official WWW page of the Polish Association of Neuropathologists is: http://snp.amu.edu.pl/. This page is prepared in Polish as well in English edition. Folia Neuropathologica is the official journal of the Polish Association of Neuropathologists and the Medical Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Portugal. The president of the Portuguese Society of Neuropathology is: Prof Mrinalini Honavar.

Scandinavia. The Scandinavian Neuropathological Society supports neuropathology in the five Nordic countries, ie Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Addresses: President: Bjarne‐Winther Kristensen, Denmark (bjarne.winther.kristensen@rsyd.dk). Secretary/Treasurer: Eva Løbner Lund, Denmark (eva.loebner.lund@regionh.dk). National representatives: Maria Gardberg, Finland Bård Kronen Krossnes, Norway Eva Lindberg, Sweden. The Scandinavian Neuropathological Societys counsillor in ISN is David Scheie (E‐mail: david.scheie@regionh.dk). Website: http://s-n-s.org.

South Africa. Dr Dan Zaharie, neuropathologist, anatomical and forensic pathologist, represents the speciality. Department of Anatomical Pathology, Neuropathology Division, Tygerberg Hospital, NHLS and Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa, PO Box 19010, Tygerberg 7505, Cape Town, South Africa, email: sdz@sun.ac.za, Tel: 1 27 21 9384041.

South Korea. The President of the Korean Neuropathology Study Group (KNSG) is Professor Sang Pyo Kim (smkim5@ kmu.ac.kr), Department of Pathology Keimyung University School of Medicine,

Dalseong‐ro 56 Jung‐gu, Daegu (Zip code: 41931) South Korea and Secretary General is professor Na Rae Kim (clara_nrk@gilhospital.com), Department of Pathology, Gachon Gil Medical Center, Namdong Daero 774, Namdong‐gu, Incheon, South Korea. The Web Site of the KNSG is http://www.pathology.or.kr/html/?pmode=boardlist&MMC_pid5275 (Korean). Korean version can be translated into English through Google translation. KNSG holds bi‐monthly meetings with special lectures and slide conferences. From 1988 until June 2018, 136th KNSG bi‐monthly meeting was held and a total of 561 interesting cases were discussed.

Spain. The President of the Spanish Club of Neuropathology is Prof. Miguel Angel Idoate Gastearena, Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, University Clinic of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. Email: maidoate@unav.es. The secretary is Prof. Dr. Alberto Rabano, Fundacion CIEN, Madrid. The next meeting of the Spanish Society of Neuropathology will be held in Sevilla on November, 2018.

Switzerland. The President of the Swiss Society of Neuropathology is Prof. Markus Tolnay (mtolnay@uhbs.ch), the vice president is Prof. F. Heppner (franck.heppner@charite.de). The Secretary/Treasurer is Dr. JA Lobrinus (johannes.a.lobrinus@hcuge.ch), Service de Pathologie Cliniquo CMU, 1 Cue Michel‐Seivet, CH‐1211 Geneva. The ISN councillor is: Prof Constantin Bouras (constatin.bouras@medecine.unige.ch). Website: http://www.ssn.uzh.ch.

United Kingdom. The President of the British Neuropathological Society is Professor Colin Smith (Col.Smith@ed.ac.uk), University of Edinburgh, Academic Department of Neuropathology Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, Chancellor’s Building, Little France, Edinburgh, EH16 4SB. The Vice President is Professor Tim Dawson, the Secretary is Professor Maria Thom, and the Treasurer is Dr Daniel du Plessis. The address of the British Neuropathological Society is: c/o Dr Maria Thom, Department of Neuropathology, Institute of Neurology, Queen Square House, Queen Square, London. WC1N 3BG. Tel: 020 3448 4233 (direct), Fax: 020 3448 4486, email: M.Thom@ucl.ac.uk. The website is (log‐in required): http://www.bns.org.uk.

United States. The new officers are Matthew P. Frosch: President, R. Ross Reichard: Vice President, Daniel J. Brat: President Elect, Eileen H. Bigio: Vice President Elect, Douglas Anthony: Vice President for Professional Affairs, Charles L. White III: Secretary Treasurer, Edward Lee: Assistant Secretary‐Treasurer. Councillors are: Tessa Hedley‐Whyte (ehedleywhyte@partners.org), Alex Judkins (ajudkins@chla.usc.edu), Arnulf H. Koeppen (arnulf. koeppen@med.va.gov), George Perry (george.perry@utsa.edu), Adekunle Adesina. The 2019 Annual Meeting will be held on June 6–9, 2019 Grant Hyatt Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia. Website: www.neuropath.org.


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