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Impact of online racism on psychological distress and alcohol use severity: Testing ethnic-racial socialization and silence about race as moderators
Computers in Human Behavior ( IF 9.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2021.106773
Brian TaeHyuk Keum , Lydia HaRim Ahn

Given the psychological deficits associated with online racism, we examined whether ethnic-racial socialization (cultural socialization, promotion of mistrust, and preparation for racial bias) and silence about race, would moderate the impact of online racism on psychological distress and alcohol use severity by conducting latent moderated structural equation modeling with data collected from 380 racial/ethnic minority young adults (Mage = 32.25, SD = 11.28). Online racism was significantly and positively related to distress and alcohol use severity. Promotion of mistrust and preparation for bias moderated the link between online-mediated exposure to racist reality and psychological distress such that this relationship was significant at low to mean levels of these messages but not at high levels; however, individuals reporting a high frequency of messages sustained higher psychological distress. Promotion of mistrust and silence about race exacerbated alcohol use associated with racism in personal online interactions. Silence about race moderated alcohol use associated with vicarious exposure to online racism such that the link was significant at high levels of silence messages but not at low to mean levels. Findings seem unconvincing of ethnic-racial socialization as a protective function and supportive of silence about race as a detrimental socialization practice in dealing with online racism.



考虑到与在线种族主义相关的心理缺陷,我们研究了种族-种族社会化(文化社会化,不信任感的增强和种族偏见的准备)以及对种族的沉默是否会缓解网络种族主义对心理困扰和酗酒严重性的影响,使用从380个种族/少数民族中的年轻人(M年龄= 32.25,SD)收集的数据进行潜在的适度结构方程建模 = 11.28)。在线种族主义与困扰和饮酒的严重程度呈显着正相关。促进互不信任和为偏见作准备,可以缓解在线介导的种族主义现实暴露与心理困扰之间的联系,从而使这种关系在这些信息的低至平均水平上是显着的,但在高水平上则不显着;但是,报告信息频繁的个人承受着更大的心理困扰。对种族的不信任和沉默的加剧加剧了个人在线互动中与种族主义有关的酗酒。对种族适度饮酒的沉默会导致与网上种族歧视的密切联系,因此在保持沉默的信息较高时,该链接很重要,但在较低至平均水平的情况下,该链接很重要。
