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Observational aspect of black hole dark matter
Modern Physics Letters A ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1142/s0217732321500772
L. Stodolsky 1

Advances in high angular resolution astronomy make it conceivable that black hole dark matter could be detected via angular deviation effects. Assuming the dark matter in the galaxy is made of solar mass black holes, there is a nontrivial probability that a line-of-sight through the galaxy, leads to μarcsec’s deviations, a value that has been discussed for various astronomical projects. In cosmology, the effects are magnified by an increased density at early times and an opening of angles due to redshift. We stress the interest of the resolution in observations on the CMB and emphasize the distinction between this and the power spectrum. If the dark matter is made of primordial black holes, present at the CMB, random deflections of the CMB photons lead to a limit on the angular resolution, approximately 3 × 107M/M  rad, with M the mass of the black holes. Using the resolutions of 103rad demonstrated in observations of the “acoustic peaks” then implies the limit (M/M) 107. While this large value seems uninteresting, improved resolutions would lead to significant exclusion limits or conceivably the discovery of primordial black holes.



高角分辨率天文学的进步使人们可以想象,黑洞暗物质可以通过角偏差效应被探测到。假设银河系中的暗物质是由太阳质量的黑洞组成的,那么一条穿过银河系的视线很可能会导致μ弧秒的偏差,已针对各种天文项目讨论过的值。在宇宙学中,早期的密度增加和红移导致的角度张开会放大这些影响。我们强调分辨率对 CMB 观测的兴趣,并强调这与功率谱之间的区别。如果暗物质是由存在于 CMB 上的原始黑洞构成的,CMB 光子的随机偏转会导致角分辨率的极限,大约3 × 10-7/  拉德,与黑洞的质量。使用的分辨率 10-3拉德在“声峰”的观察中证明了然后意味着极限(/) 107. 虽然这个大值似乎无趣,但改进的分辨率将导致显着的排除限制,或者可以想象原始黑洞的发现。