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ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-08 , DOI: 10.1145/3446391
Ramin Izadpanah 1 , Christina Peterson 1 , Yan Solihin 1 , Damian Dechev 1

Emerging byte-addressable Non-Volatile Memories (NVMs) enable persistent memory where process state can be recovered after crashes. To enable applications to rely on persistent data, durable data structures with failure-atomic operations have been proposed. However, they lack the ability to allow users to execute a sequence of operations as transactions. Meanwhile, persistent transactional memory (PTM) has been proposed by adding durability to Software Transactional Memory (STM). However, PTM suffers from high performance overheads and low scalability due to false aborts, logging, and ordering constraints on persistence. In this article, we propose PETRA, a new approach for constructing persistent transactional linked data structures. PETRA natively supports transactions, but unlike PTM, relies on the high-level information from the data structure semantics. This gives PETRA unique advantages in the form of high performance and high scalability. Our experimental results using various benchmarks demonstrate the scalability of PETRA in all workloads and transaction sizes. PETRA outperforms the state-of-the-art PTMs by an order of magnitude in transactions of size greater than one, and demonstrates superior performance in transactions of size one.



新兴的字节可寻址非易失性存储器 (NVM) 支持持久内存,其中进程状态可以在崩溃后恢复。为了使应用程序能够依赖持久数据,已经提出了具有故障原子操作的持久数据结构。但是,它们缺乏允许用户将一系列操作作为事务执行的能力。同时,通过向软件事务内存 (STM) 添加持久性,提出了持久事务内存 (PTM)。然而,由于错误中止、日志记录和对持久性的排序限制,PTM 遭受高性能开销和低可伸缩性的困扰。在本文中,我们提出了 PETRA,这是一种构建持久事务链接数据结构的新方法。PETRA 原生支持事务,但与 PTM 不同的是,依赖于来自数据结构语义的高级信息。这以高性能和高可扩展性的形式赋予了 PETRA 独特的优势。我们使用各种基准的实验结果证明了 PETRA 在所有工作负载和事务大小中的可扩展性。PETRA 在规模大于 1 的交易中优于最先进的 PTM 一个数量级,并在规模为 1 的交易中表现出卓越的性能。