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Traditional agricultural knowledge in land management: the potential contributions of ethnographic research to climate change adaptation in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan
Climate and Development ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-08 , DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2020.1848780
M.G. Rivera-ferre 1 , M. Di Masso 1 , I. Vara 2 , M. Cuellar 2 , F. López-i-Gelats 1 , G. D. Bhatta 3 , D. Gallar 2


Land supplies multiple goods and services vital to humans and the environment. In the last decades, increasing evidence of growing land degradation are made apparent. A limited and depleting resource base, the reliance on climate-sensitive sectors and its large population, make South Asia highly vulnerable to climate change. Observed changes in climate include increases in temperature and increased monsoon variability and rainfall pattern leading to drought and flooding. Projected changes include increasing temperatures, rising sea levels, increasing cyclonic activity and higher variability of rainfall, all having enormous impacts on farming communities. At the same time, the region is rich in traditional agricultural knowledge (TAK), specialized in managing local agroecosystems to ensure food availability, tackling climatic risks and other ecological uncertainties. Particularly relevant is TAK related to land management to preserve soil fertility and avoid soil erosion. Ethnographic research is a valuable source of TAK, although this is rarely analysed with a climate change perspective. Based on a qualitative systematic review, and an expert's on-line survey, in this paper we review land management TAK and assess its potential for climate change adaptation. The review shows there is a vast amount of untapped TAK ethnographic research with potential for climate change adaptation.




土地提供对人类和环境至关重要的多种商品和服务。在过去的几十年里,越来越多的证据表明土地退化日益严重。有限且日渐枯竭的资源基础、对气候敏感部门及其庞大人口的依赖,使南亚极易受到气候变化的影响。观察到的气候变化包括温度升高和季风变率增加以及导致干旱和洪水的降雨模式。预计的变化包括气温升高、海平面上升、气旋活动增加和降雨量变化更大,所有这些都会对农业社区产生巨大影响。与此同时,该地区拥有丰富的传统农业知识 (TAK),专门管理当地农业生态系统以确保粮食供应,应对气候风险和其他生态不确定性。特别相关的是与土地管理相关的 TAK,以保持土壤肥力和避免水土流失。人种学研究是 TAK 的宝贵来源,尽管很少从气候变化的角度对其进行分析。基于定性的系统审查和专家的在线调查,在本文中,我们审查了土地管理 TAK 并评估其适应气候变化的潜力。审查表明,有大量未开发的 TAK 民族志研究具有适应气候变化的潜力。基于定性的系统审查和专家的在线调查,在本文中,我们审查了土地管理 TAK 并评估其适应气候变化的潜力。审查表明,有大量未开发的 TAK 民族志研究具有适应气候变化的潜力。基于定性的系统审查和专家的在线调查,在本文中,我们审查了土地管理 TAK 并评估其适应气候变化的潜力。审查表明,有大量未开发的 TAK 民族志研究具有适应气候变化的潜力。
