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Envisioning climate justice for a post-pandemic world
Dialogues in Human Geography ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-08 , DOI: 10.1177/2043820621995608
Ethemcan Turhan 1

Writing an academic piece amid a pandemic ravaging the world in uneven and combined ways is a complicated affair. It inevitably brings forth questions of privilege related to race, gender, class, and cultural capital. However, it also reveals the hard truths about how we use, make, and appropriate space and time. While much of the world’s attention is focused on the global pandemic, we should not lose sight of the climate crisis and the need for climate justice, which problematizes the space-time of capitalist modernity based on gendered, racialized, and colonial spatial praxis as well as uneven historical responsibilities. In a pandemic-ridden world increasingly suffocated on all sides by being denied the ‘universal right to breathe’ (Hansen, 2020), an overarching approach to activist-academic praxis firmly rooted in an intersectional approach to climate justice can provide a much-needed corrective to the many feel-good solutions to the ills of ‘capitalist realism’ (Fisher, 2009). The ultimate choice, I suggest, is not between adjusting to the new normal or building back better. It is rather in the often conflictual, difficult, and tiresome paths of building and re-building counter-hegemonies toward radical transformations with the aim of envisioning a more politically robust global commons (Temper et al., 2018). In this guest editorial, I call attention to a number of key issues to consider if we are to envision more egalitarian common futures beyond the current pandemic.



在一场流行病以不平衡和综合的方式肆虐世界的情况下写一篇学术论文是一件复杂的事情。它不可避免地提出了与种族,性别,阶级和文化资本有关的特权问题。但是,它也揭示了关于我们如何使用,制造以及适当的空间和时间的硬道理。尽管世界上大部分注意力都集中在全球大流行上,但我们不应忽视气候危机和对气候正义的需求,这也使基于性别,种族和殖民地的空间实践的资本主义现代性的时空问题成为问题。作为不平衡的历史责任。在一个充满大流行病的世界中,由于被剥夺了“普遍呼吸权”,各方日益窒息(Hansen,2020),牢固地植根于气候正义的交叉方法的积极主义者-学术实践的总体方法可以为许多“资本主义现实主义”弊端的良好解决方案提供急需的纠正方法(Fisher,2009)。我建议,最终的选择不是在适应新常态或重新建立更好的选择之间。相反,它处于为实现根本性转变而建立和重建反霸权的通常冲突,困难和疲惫的道路上,目的是构想更加政治上稳健的全球公地(Temper et al。,2018)。在这篇客座社论中,我提请您注意一些关键问题,以考虑是否要设想出当前大流行病以外的更多人人平等的共同未来。