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Does Teen Triple P Affect Parenting and the Social and Emotional Behaviours of Teenagers? A Study of the Positive Parenting Programme in the Netherlands
BEHAVIOUR CHANGE ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-08 , DOI: 10.1017/bec.2021.2
Majone Steketee , Harrie Jonkman , Pauline Naber , Marjolijn Distelbrink

Triple P is a parenting programme used in the youth healthcare practice of many Dutch municipalities to support parents in raising their children. According to international research, this Australian intervention is effective for parents with children up to the age of 12. It shows positive effects on parenting skills and on the reduction of both parents' child-rearing stress and their children's behavioural and emotional problems. Our study examined the effectiveness of Teen Triple P level 4: a training programme for parents of teenagers aged 10–16. The programme included five group sessions of 1.5–2 h each, as well as three individual (phone) consultations. Through a matching procedure, 103 parents who participated in Teen Triple P were compared in a quasi-experimental study with 397 parents in a control group. Compared with the control group, parents who received the Teen Triple P training reported a significant improvement in their parental practice. Now, they are more involved with their child, more responsive to the needs of the children, and they report fewer parent–child conflicts. Some positive differences in behavioural problems among adolescents, as reported by their parents, could be found among the experimental group. These findings remained the same at the follow-up.


青少年 Triple P 是否会影响育儿以及青少年的社交和情感行为?荷兰积极育儿计划的研究

Triple P 是一项育儿计划,用于许多荷兰城市的青年医疗保健实践,以支持父母抚养孩子。根据国际研究,这项澳大利亚干预措施对有 12 岁以下孩子的父母有效。它显示出对育儿技能以及减少父母养育孩子的压力以及孩子的行为和情绪问题的积极影响。我们的研究检验了 Teen Triple P 4 级的有效性:针对 10-16 岁青少年父母的培训计划。该计划包括五个小组会议,每次 1.5-2 小时,以及三个个人(电话)咨询。通过匹配程序,在一项准实验研究中,将 103 名参加 Teen Triple P 的父母与对照组的 397 名父母进行了比较。与对照组相比,接受青少年 Triple P 培训的父母报告说他们的父母实践有显着改善。现在,他们更多地与孩子相处,对孩子的需求更加敏感,并且他们报告的亲子冲突更少。正如他们的父母所报告的那样,在实验组中可以发现青少年在行为问题上的一些积极差异。这些发现在后续行动中保持不变。可以在实验组中找到。这些发现在后续行动中保持不变。可以在实验组中找到。这些发现在后续行动中保持不变。