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Intravenous formalin for treatment of haemorrhage in horses
Equine Veterinary Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-08 , DOI: 10.1111/eve.13451
C. R. Moreno 1 , K. M. Delph 1 , W. L. Beard 1

There is limited information in the literature regarding the clinical use of formalin for the treatment of haemorrhage in horses. This uncontrolled retrospective study summarises 11 cases that were treated with intravenous formalin at the Veterinary Health Center at Kansas State University from 2009 to 2019. The objective of this study was to describe signalment, clinical and laboratory findings, treatment and outcome of horses treated with intravenous formalin for potentially life-threatening haemorrhagic conditions. This study does not attempt to prove efficacy of intravenous formalin, but rather to report its clinical use and the associated details of those cases. Horses ranged in age from 2 to 23 years old. There were nine Quarter Horses, one Thoroughbred and one Appaloosa. Treated conditions included haemoabdomen (4/11), uterine haemorrhage (1/11), epistaxis (3/11), haemorrhage secondary to a mandibular laceration (2/11) and haemothorax (1/11). The most utilised dose was 0.476% formalin (50 mL 10% neutral buffered formalin diluted in 1 L of isotonic fluid). Some horses were also treated with aminocaproic acid, Yunnan Baiyao, whole blood transfusions and surgery. Ten out of the 11 horses survived to discharge with one horse reported by the owner to have died 2 weeks later of an unknown cause.



文献中关于福尔马林用于治疗马出血的临床信息有限。这项不受控制的回顾性研究总结了 2009 年至 2019 年在堪萨斯州立大学兽医健康中心接受静脉注射福尔马林治疗的 11 例病例。本研究的目的是描述接受静脉注射治疗的马的信号、临床和实验室发现、治疗和结果。福尔马林用于可能危及生命的出血性疾病。本研究并不试图证明静脉注射福尔马林的疗效,而是报告其临床应用和这些病例的相关细节。马的年龄从 2 岁到 23 岁不等。有九匹夸特马,一匹纯种马和一匹阿帕卢萨马。治疗的病症包括血腹 (4/11)、子宫出血 (1/11)、鼻衄 (3/11)、下颌裂伤继发的出血 (2/11) 和血胸 (1/11)。最常用的剂量是 0.476% 福尔马林(50 mL 10% 中性缓冲福尔马林在 1 L 等渗液中稀释)。一些马也用氨基己酸治疗,云南白药,全血输血与手术。11 匹马中有 10 匹幸免于难,其中一匹马在两周后因不明原因死亡。