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Advanced protocols for the mitigation of friendly jamming in mobile ad-hoc networks
Journal of Network and Computer Applications ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2021.103037
Jonghyun Kim , Pratik K. Biswas , Stephan Bohacek , Sharon J. Mackey , Siamak Samoohi , Mitesh P. Patel

Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) play a critical role for wireless communications within mission-critical applications. Wireless communications have the drawback of being susceptible to jamming. Jamming disturbs the normal reception of signals on the physical layer. While MANETs can adapt to continuous jamming, intermittent jamming can seriously disrupt the routing protocol and the traffic flow. In the intermittent case, the network topology during non-jamming is generally quite different from that of one during jamming. Much of the recent work on jamming mitigation has focused on how to adjust the transmitter-receiver system once an adversarial jamming attack has been detected. However, jamming need not be only adversarial in nature. Friendly jammers are supposed to disturb the adversarial networks but not the friendly ones. In this paper, we propose jamming-aware routing and MAC protocols for the friendly jamming scenario, where the jamming schedule is known to the friendly mobile nodes but hidden from all adversarial ones. In one scheme, the routing and MAC protocols freeze during jamming but resume during non-jamming. In another scheme, the routing protocol uses two sub-protocols: one for jamming and another for non-jamming. We have named the friendly-jamming-aware routing protocols as JOLSR, because their implementations have been based on OLSR, and the friendly-jamming-aware MAC protocol as JTDMA, as its implementation has been based on TDMA. We have shown through extensive simulations that these proposed protocols can significantly improve the packet delivery ratio and other metrics compared to off-the-shelf proactive unicast and reactive multicast routing protocols and a schedule based (TDMA) MAC protocol.



