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Tackling control channel saturation for load balancing in multi-channel mobile ad hoc networks
International Journal of Information Technology Pub Date : 2021-03-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s41870-021-00625-x
Rohit Kumar , Kavita Taneja , Harmunish Taneja

Multiple wireless channels in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) promises to improve Quality of Service (QoS) and their well coordinated usage can result in significant operational improvements. Traditional methods implementing multi-channels in MANET uses control channel based approach for synchronization and coordination among multiple channels. Control channel is a separate and dedicated channel reserved for performing channel negotiations and other control operations. In multi-channel MANET, conventionally all mobile devices have to resort to the control channel for channel reservation during a well defined beacon interval. This approach requires tight synchronization and works well when magnitude of traffic and node density is moderate. With the rise in traffic and node density, the control channel becomes saturated and network operation is compromised. The paper proposes Parallel Rendezvous Multi-Channel MAC (PRMMAC) protocol based on the concept of multi-channel communications and results reflects that it resolves the basic saturation of the control channel and ensures a balanced load among multiple channels catering to data communication needs. Key findings of the proposed system has been observed in terms of throughput, frame delivery ratio and delay under varied networks and channel configurations and significant performance improvement in terms of throughout delay and Frame Delivery Ratio (FDR) has been observed in comparison to other protocols of its category.



