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Density manipulation and pruning on fine root production and decomposition dynamics in a mature Acacia mangium Willd. stand in Kerala, India
Agroforestry Systems ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s10457-021-00601-1
Delphy Rocha , T. K. Kunhamu , B. Mohan Kumar , A. V. Santhoshkumar , V. Jamaludheen

Fine roots play a major role in water and mineral uptake and nutrient cycling in woody perennial-based ecosystems. Just as other biomass components, stand density manipulation and tree pruning may influence fine root production (FRP) and its decomposition dynamics. However, quantitative information on FRP and its turnover under different density and pruning regimes are meagre for most tropical trees. A field study was conducted to characterize FRP and associated nutrient release under varying stand density and pruning regimes in a 12-year-old Acacia mangium stand in Kerala, India. Soil ingrowth core method was employed for quantifying FRP and sequential core method for estimating standing fine root biomass. Annual FRP estimates were 5.78, 5.39, 3.74, and 3.38 Mg ha–1 for the 5000, 2500, 1250 and 625 trees ha−1 treatments, respectively. Allometric models based on tree diameter and basal area gave a good fit for annual FRP. Fine root turnover rates ranged from 2.81 to 3.16 yr−1, which however, was not influenced by stand density. Carbon stocks ranged from 1.36 to 2.39 Mg ha−1 with highest FRP during rainy season and lowest during the dry period. The litterbag study using nylon mesh bags indicated that annual fine root mass loss ranged from 76.2 (5000 trees ha−1) to 96.8% (625 trees ha−1). Tree pruning had only modest effects on tree growth, FRP, and carbon and nutrient release patterns. The study highlights the importance of stand density manipulation in altering A. mangium FRP, soil carbon and mineral nutrient dynamics.


密度操纵和修剪对成熟金合欢(Acacia mangium Willd)的细根产生和分解动力学的影响。站在印度喀拉拉邦

多年生木质多年生生态系统中的细根在水分和矿物质的吸收以及养分循环中起着重要作用。与其他生物量成分一样,林分密度控制和树木修剪可能会影响细根生产(FRP)及其分解动力学。但是,对于大多数热带树木而言,有关FRP及其在不同密度和修剪方式下的周转量的定量信息很少。在印度喀拉拉邦的一个12岁的马占相思林林分中,进行了野外研究,以表征FRP和相关养分在不同林分密度和修剪方式下的释放。采用土壤向内生长的核心方法定量FRP,采用序贯性的核心方法估算站立的细根生物量。年度FRP估算为5.78、5.39、3.74和3.38 Mg ha –1分别对5000、2500、1250和625棵树进行-1处理。基于树木直径和基础面积的异速生长模型非常适合年度FRP。细根周转率介于2.81至3.16 yr -1之间,但不受林分密度的影响。碳储量在1.36至2.39 Mg ha -1之间,雨季的FRP最高,而旱季的最低。使用尼龙网袋的垃圾袋研究表明,每年的细根质量损失范围为76.2(5000树木ha -1)至96.8%(625树木ha -1)。修剪树木对树木的生长,FRP以及碳和养分释放模式的影响很小。该研究强调了林分密度操纵对改变林分的重要性A.锰的FRP,土壤碳和矿质养分动态。
