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Differentiable programming for online training of a neural artificial viscosity function within a staggered grid Lagrangian hydrodynamics scheme
Machine Learning: Science and Technology ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1088/2632-2153/abd644
Pake Melland 1 , Jason Albright 2 , Nathan M Urban 3, 4

Lagrangian methods to solve the inviscid Euler equations produce numerical oscillations near shock waves. A common approach to reducing these oscillations is to add artificial viscosity (AV) to the discrete equations. The AV term acts as a dissipative mechanism that attenuates oscillations by smearing the shock across a finite number of computational cells. However, AV introduces several control parameters that are not determined by the underlying physical model, and hence, in practice are tuned to the characteristics of a given problem. We seek to improve the standard quadratic-linear AV form by replacing it with a learned neural function that reduces oscillations relative to exact solutions of the Euler equations, resulting in a hybrid numerical-neural hydrodynamic solver. Because AV is an artificial construct that exists solely to improve the numerical properties of a hydrodynamic code, there is no offline ‘viscosity data’ against which a neural network can be trained before inserting into a numerical simulation, thus requiring online training. We achieve this via differentiable programming, i.e. end-to-end backpropagation or adjoint solution through both the neural and differential equation code, using automatic differentiation of the hybrid code in the Julia programming language to calculate the necessary loss function gradients. A novel offline pre-training step accelerates training by initializing the neural network to the default numerical AV scheme, which can be learned rapidly by space-filling sampling over the AV input space. We find that online training over early time steps of simulation is sufficient to learn a neural AV function that reduces numerical oscillations in long-term hydrodynamic shock simulations. These results offer an early proof-of-principle that online differentiable training of hybrid numerical schemes with novel neural network components can improve certain performance aspects existing in purely numerical schemes.



