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Using Participation and Empathy to Inspire Positive Change: A Transcontinental Conversation
Journal of Museum Education ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-05 , DOI: 10.1080/10598650.2020.1852491
Julie Garner , Eva Rossmanith


In recent years, museums have recognized the urgent need to address several challenging issues. These topics include gender equality, racism, and environmental issues, just to name a few. As museums embrace the role of community-building change-makers, how can we include our audiences in the mission of making positive change? How can our scholarship, facts, and histories inform our audience’s understanding of the present? More importantly, how can we empower them to activate their understanding and change their behavior in order to create a better future? In a dialogue between Eva Rossmanith, a German museum educator and Julie Garner, a theater specialist from the U.S., we offer best practices in using participation and empathy to engage the museum public in fact-based dialogue about challenging topics. With an inclusive approach to content, we can encourage civil discourse and give people the tools to change their behavior and facilitate positive change.




近年来,博物馆已经意识到迫切需要解决一些具有挑战性的问题。这些主题包括性别平等,种族主义和环境问题,仅举几例。博物馆担负着社区建设的变革者的角色,我们如何让观众参与实现积极变革的使命?我们的学问,事实和历史如何使听众对当下的了解?更重要的是,我们如何赋予他们权力,以激发他们的理解并改变他们的行为,从而创造更美好的未来?在德国博物馆教育家伊娃·罗斯曼尼(Eva Rossmanith)与美国剧院专家朱莉·加纳(Julie Garner)之间的对话中,我们提供了最佳实践,利用参与和同情心使博物馆公众参与有关挑战性主题的事实对话。采用包容性的内容方法,
