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Two perspectives on supply chain resilience
Journal of Business Logistics ( IF 11.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-04 , DOI: 10.1111/jbl.12271
Andreas Wieland 1 , Christian F. Durach 2

More than a decade ago, other fields started to challenge the equilibrium-focused meaning of resilience. They suggested that resilience does not just relate to the ability of a system to “bounce back” after an impeding event, but also to the capacity to adapt and transform. The operations and supply chain management literature remains surprisingly disconnected from these debates. This essay sets out to further our theoretical knowledge of what resilience means (or means to others) by disentangling two prominent perspectives of resilience—engineering resilience and social-ecological resilience—and offering an updated definition of supply chain resilience. We integrate and discuss these perspectives in the context of our understanding of the supply chain as a system. The goal is to outline the potential links and inconsistencies of these perspectives with supply chain management (SCM). From there, we seek to develop a more comprehensive understanding of what resilience means in SCM. Supply chain resilience is then no longer understood in terms of stability, but in terms of adaptation and transformation.



十多年前,其他领域开始挑战以均衡为中心的韧性意义。他们认为,弹性不仅与系统在发生阻碍事件后“反弹”的能力有关,还与适应和转变的能力有关。运营和供应链管理文献仍然令人惊讶地与这些辩论脱节。本文旨在通过解开弹性的两个突出观点——工程弹性和社会生态弹性——并提供供应链弹性的最新定义,进一步了解弹性意味着什么(或对他人意味着什么)。我们在将供应链理解为一个系统的背景下整合和讨论这些观点。目标是概述这些观点与供应链管理 (SCM) 之间的潜在联系和不一致之处。从那里,我们寻求更全面地了解弹性在 SCM 中的含义。供应链的弹性不再从稳定性的角度来理解,而是从适应和转变的角度来理解。