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The application of social psychology and collective Internet governance
Aggression and Violent Behavior ( IF 4.874 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.avb.2021.101588
Hongping Shi

The worldwide Web legal regulation on Internet governance is a growing international trend. An integral aspect of the modern Internet that enables individual and collective psychological decision-making to coexist. The ecosystems in Dynamic Open Source Tools (DOST) are growing worldwide. DOST refers to groups of programs allowing the software to be used openly and exchange code by software's general and business users on Internet governance. A broad controversy has emerged between researchers and policymakers, with the mixture of private access, public information, software and the emergence of economic and social paradoxes on psychological perspectives. This article examines DOST societies from “intrinsic drive,” information growth and mutual Internet governance. The implication of business ethics and global Internet regulation has been analyzed in this research.



