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The “Big Two” in Hiring Discrimination: Evidence From a Cross-National Field Experiment
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-06 , DOI: 10.1177/0146167220982900
Susanne Veit 1, 2 , Hannah Arnu 1 , Valentina Di Stasio 3 , Ruta Yemane 1, 2 , Marcel Coenders 4

We tested whether signaling warmth and competence (“Big Two”) in job applications increases hiring chances. Drawing on a field experimental data from five European countries, we analyzed the responses of employers (N = 13,162) to applications from fictitious candidates of different origin: native candidates and candidates of European, Asian, or Middle-Eastern/African descent. We found that competence signals slightly increased invitation rates, while warmth signals had no effect. We also found ethnic discrimination, a female premium, and differences in callbacks depending on job characteristics. Importantly, however, providing stereotype signals did not reduce the level of ethnic discrimination or the female premium. Likewise, we found little evidence for interactions between stereotype signals and job demands. While speaking against the importance of “Big Two” signals in application documents, our results highlight the importance of group membership and hopefully stimulate further research on the role of in particular ethnic stereotypes for discrimination in hiring.



我们测试了在工作申请中表明热情和能力(“两大”)是否会增加招聘机会。借鉴欧洲五个国家的实地实验数据,我们分析了雇主的反应(N= 13,162) 来自不同来源的虚构候选人的申请:本地候选人和欧洲、亚洲或中东/非洲血统的候选人。我们发现能力信号略微增加了邀请率,而温暖信号则没有效果。我们还发现了种族歧视、女性溢价以及因工作特征而异的回调。然而,重要的是,提供刻板印象信号并没有降低种族歧视或女性溢价的程度。同样,我们几乎没有发现刻板印象信号和工作需求之间相互作用的证据。在反对申请文件中“大二”信号的重要性的同时,我们的结果强调了群体成员的重要性,并有望激发对特定种族角色的进一步研究招聘歧视的刻板印象。
