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Divide and Rule: Discursive Authority, Identity Dissonance, Ethnic Lobbies, and US Foreign Policy, or How President Obama Defeated AIPAC over the 2015 Iran Deal
Foreign Policy Analysis ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-11 , DOI: 10.1093/fpa/orab005
Jonathan Rynhold 1

This article addresses the influence of diaspora lobbies on US foreign policy by analyzing the failure of the paradigmatic lobby—AIPAC—to block the 2015 Iran deal. The literature on the efficacy of diaspora lobbies focuses on structural material factors. In contrast, this study introduces an agency-orientated constructivist approach focused on ideational factors. While the material institutional setting contributed to AIPAC's defeat by establishing a high bar to overcome, this was not insurmountable. Consequently, such material factors must be combined with ideational factors to fully explain AIPAC's defeat. In this vein, the prevalence of negative affective partisanship generated a “cultural opportunity structure” for the President to wield party loyalty to obtain the support of Congressional Democrats. Yet, this too was not insurmountable for AIPAC, had opposition to the deal not become tainted by partisanship. However, the “Republican first” strategy pursued by the public face of the campaign, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, undermined AIPAC's “discursive authority.” This generated “identity dissonance” within the American Jewish community and for other Democratic supporters of Israel, by casting their identification with Israel against their identification with the Democratic Party. In contrast, President Obama successfully framed the issue to minimize identity dissonance.


分而治之:话语权威、身份失调、种族游说和美国外交政策,或奥巴马总统如何在 2015 年伊朗协议中击败 AIPAC

本文通过分析典型的游说团体(AIPAC)未能阻止 2015 年伊朗协议,探讨了侨民游说团体对美国外交政策的影响。关于散居游说团体效力的文献集中在结构性物质因素上。相比之下,本研究引入了一种以代理为导向的建构主义方法,侧重于观念因素。虽然物质制度环境通过建立一个高标准来克服 AIPAC 的失败,但这并不是不可克服的。因此,必须将这些物质因素与观念因素结合起来才能充分解释AIPAC的失败。在这种情况下,消极情感党派之争的盛行产生了一种“文化机会结构”,让总统可以运用党派忠诚度来获得国会民主党人的支持。然而,对于 AIPAC 来说,这也不是不可克服的,因为反对该协议没有受到党派偏见的影响。然而,该运动的公众人物以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡所奉行的“共和党优先”战略破坏了 AIPAC 的“话语权威”。这在美国犹太社区和以色列的其他民主党支持者中产生了“身份不和谐”,因为他们将他们对以色列的认同与他们对民主党的认同相提并论。相比之下,奥巴马总统成功地解决了这个问题,以尽量减少身份不和谐。” 这在美国犹太社区和以色列的其他民主党支持者中产生了“身份不和谐”,他们将他们对以色列的认同与他们对民主党的认同相提并论。相比之下,奥巴马总统成功地解决了这个问题,以尽量减少身份不和谐。” 这在美国犹太社区和以色列的其他民主党支持者中产生了“身份不和谐”,他们将他们对以色列的认同与他们对民主党的认同相提并论。相比之下,奥巴马总统成功地解决了这个问题,以尽量减少身份不和谐。