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Rapid colonisation, breeding and successful recruitment of eastern barn owls (Tyto alba delicatula) using a customised wooden nest box in remnant mallee cropping areas of southern Yorke Peninsula, South Australia
Wildlife Research ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.1071/wr20021
Kelly M. Meaney , David E. Peacock , David Taggart , James Smith

Context: The introduced house mouse (Mus domesticus) causes significant economic damage to Australia’s agricultural enterprises. As part of the Marna Banggara Rewilding Project on the southern Yorke Peninsula (SYP), the present study focused on the eastern barn owl (Tyto alba delicatula) as a potential bio-controller of mice, by providing nesting spaces where natural hollows are limited.

Aims: To design an appropriate pole-mounted wooden nest box, and to enhance barn-owl-breeding and house-mouse-hunting capacity on farmland adjacent to remnant native vegetation.

Methods: A prototype nest box was collaboratively designed with a nest box manufacturer using data from previous barn owl studies and anecdotal reports. Eleven pole-mounted wooden boxes with platforms were installed at distances >1.4 km apart on properties near Warooka, southern Yorke Peninsula (SYP), and monitored over a 6-month period using external trail cameras.

Key results: Of the 11 nest boxes installed, 55 percent were colonised within a month after establishment, and 82 percent were colonised within 7 months. Occupied nest boxes were actively used by paired owls for mating, breeding and rearing of chicks, which resulted in up to 35 fledgling owlets.

Conclusions: The nest box design successfully supported eastern barn owl colonisation and reproduction on the SYP. The inclusion of the platform not only provided easy, minimally invasive monitoring of barn owl activity and prey intake by researchers, but also increased usable space for barn owl behaviours, such as copulation and wing flapping.

Implications: The important nest box design elements featured in this paper, such as the platform, high entrance hole, predator-proof pole and rear door access, can be implemented in barn owl conservation, research and on farms where alternative nesting sites are limited.


使用定制的木巢箱在南澳大利亚约克半岛南部的残留木槌种植区中快速定殖,繁殖并成功招募东部谷仓猫头鹰(Tyto alba delicatula)

背景:引进的家鼠(Mus domesticus)对澳大利亚的农业企业造成了重大的经济损失。作为南部约克半岛(SYP)上的Marna Banggara野外项目的一部分,本研究着眼于东部谷仓猫头鹰(Tyto alba delicatula),它通过提供限制自然空洞的嵌套空间,将其作为小鼠的潜在生物控制物。


方法:与巢箱制造商合作,使用先前的谷仓猫头鹰研究和轶事报告中的数据,共同设计了一个巢箱原型。在约克半岛南部(SYP)的Warooka附近的物业上,以距离> 1.4 km的距离安装了11个带有平台的立杆式木箱,并使用外部跟踪摄像头在6个月的时间内对其进行了监控。



