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Slip distribution and rupture history of the August 11, 2012, double earthquakes in Ahar – Varzaghan, Iran, using joint inversion of teleseismic broadband and local strong motion data
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pepi.2021.106688
Atefeh Saltanatpouri , Stephen Hartzell , Habib Rahimi , Rahmatollah Rouhollahi , Rouhola Amiri Fard

We use combined teleseismic and strong motion data sets to investigate finite-fault slip models for a double of earthquakes that occurred on August 11, 2012, in northwestern Iran near the cities of Ahar and Varzaghan. The data include teleseismic P-waveforms retrieved from broadband seismic stations located between 30°–94° from the earthquakes and local strong motion data recorded by the Iran Strong Motion Network, installed and operated by the Building and Housing Research Centre. We first invert teleseismic P-waveforms and local strong motion data separately. For the first event (12:23 UTC), the teleseismic broadband inversion yields a somewhat deeper and simpler distribution of slip than the local strong motion inversion. The strong motion inversion results in a more complex distribution because of higher frequency content but can also be influenced by complexities in the propagation path. For the second event (12:34 UTC), the slip distribution from strong motion data is more similar to the teleseismic result and shows a simple slip area with a small relative movement to the west. To resolve the differences between the results of these two data sets and obtain a better constrained slip model, we perform a joint inversion of teleseismic broadband and local strong motion data.

The joint inversion for the first event shows two asperities with a maximum slip of 3.9 m up- dip from the hypocenter and extending to the west between depths of 1 and 5 km. A second narrower high-slip area is seen just above the hypocenter from 6 to 10 km depth. The total moment for this earthquake is calculated to be Mo = 3.8 × 1025 dyn-cm (3.8 × 1018 N.m) (Mw 6.4). For the second event, the results of the joint inversion show a simple slip distribution that is mainly confined in a single patch around the hypocenter with a depth range from about 10 to 13 km and maximum slip of 1.9 m. We compute a total seismic moment of Mo = 1.6 × 1025 dyn-cm (1.6 × 1018 N.m) (Mw 6.1) for the second event. The largest stress drops for the first event occur above the hypocenter with an average stress drop over the rupture area of 120 bar (12 Mpa). For the second event, the maximum stress drop occurs at the reported focal depth with an average stress drop over the rupture area of 80 bar (8 Mpa).




第一个事件的联合反演显示了两个凹凸不平处,最大震源从震中上移了3.9 m,并向西延伸了1至5 km的深度。在距震源中心6到10 km的深度上方,可以看到第二个较窄的高滑区域。计算出该地震的总力矩为M o  = 3.8×10 25  dyn-cm(3.8×10 18  Nm)(M w 6.4)。对于第二个事件,联合反演的结果显示出简单的滑移分布,主要分布在震源周围的单个斑块中,深度范围约为10至13 km,最大滑移为1.9 m。我们计算出的总地震矩为M o  = 1.6×10 25  dyn-cm(1.6×10 18 Nm)(M w 6.1)。第一次事件的最大应力降发生在震源上方,破裂区域的平均应力降为120 bar(12 Mpa)。对于第二个事件,最大应力下降发生在所报告的焦深处,破裂区域的平均应力下降为80 bar(8 Mpa)。
