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Spawning areas of two shallow-water penaeid shrimps (Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros) on the Sofala Bank, Mozambique
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107268
Bernardino S. Malauene , Christophe Lett , Francis Marsac , Michael J. Roberts , Atanasio Brito , Silvia Abdula , Coleen L. Moloney

Penaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros are commercially important penaeid shrimp species in the Western Indian Ocean, supporting fisheries on the Sofala Bank, Mozambique. Despite their importance, critical gaps exist in knowledge that is relevant for management purposes. In particular, there is poor understanding of the spatial patterns in spawning for the two species. To fill this gap, we used annual data of mature female stages from research surveys conducted in late summer during January/February from 2003 to 2017. Three distinct spawning areas for P. indicus and M. monoceros were identified (northern, central and southern), all adjacent to river mouths. Spawning areas of the two species overlapped in waters shallower than 25 m, but M. monoceros spawning areas also extended to deeper (45 m) waters. Spawning areas of the two species had different spatial extents, with M. monoceros extending to the north and P. indicus to the south. The northern and central spawning areas were more persistent than the southern area. The central spawning area, however, has shifted northward for the two species during the recent period of depleted stock since 2012. We also used daily industrial catch rate data from the fishing season in March–November 2004 to 2017 to investigate annual patterns. High abundance indices of the two species were observed in the northern and central areas of the Licungo River. Catch rates, however, suggest seasonal variability with depth for the two species. This study provides new information on species-specific spawning patterns in space, which should be considered in future management approaches and spatial planning.



印度对虾刀额新对虾麒麟是商业上重要的对虾品种在西印度洋,在索法拉银行,莫桑比克渔业配套。尽管具有重要意义,但与管理目的相关的知识仍存在严重差距。特别是,对于这两个物种产卵的空间模式知之甚少。为了填补这一空白,我们使用了从2003年一月/二月期间,在夏末进行的研究调查,成熟女性的阶段,年度数据为2017年三个不同的产卵区,印度对虾M.麒麟鉴定(北部,中部和南部) ,都毗邻河口。在小于25 m的水域中,这两个物种的产卵区重叠,但是M. monoceros产卵区也延伸至更深的水域(45 m)。两种物种的产卵区具有不同的空间范围,其中单角蔓螺向北延伸,印度对虾向南方。北部和中部产卵区比南部地区更持久。但是,自2012年以来,在最近的种群枯竭期间,这两个物种的中央产卵区向北移动。我们还使用了2004年3月至11月的捕鱼季节至2017年的每日工业捕捞率数据来调查年度模式。在利贡戈河的北部和中部地区观察到这两种物种的丰度指数很高。然而,捕获率表明这两个物种的深度随季节变化。这项研究提供了有关空间中特定物种产卵模式的新信息,这些信息应在未来的管理方法和空间规划中加以考虑。
