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Temporal and spatial variations of the air temperature in the Taklamakan Desert and surrounding areas
Theoretical and Applied Climatology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s00704-020-03501-z
Alim Abbas , Lili Jin , Qing He , Bo Lu , Junqiang Yao , Zhenjie Li , Akida Salam

In recent years, climate change has attracted many researchers’ attention around the world, among which the analysis of long-term surface air temperature (SAT) changes is essential. In this paper, we analyze the spatial and temporal variations of the SAT in Tarim Basin from 1961 to 2015. Our results show that warming of the SAT is evident at most weather stations in the Taklamakan Desert, except for those at Aketao, Kuche, and Tazhong. The overall warming rate is 0.25 °C/decade in the Taklamakan Desert. Mann–Kendall tests are adopted to detect abrupt changes in the SATs. It is demonstrated that nine out of 39 stations experienced a simultaneous abrupt change in 1996, which is consistent with the abrupt changes seen in the local vegetation cover. The relationships between the SAT changes and the underlying landscape and vegetation cover are also discussed in this paper. A moderate negative correlation is discovered between the SAT and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) at oases.



近年来,气候变化已引起世界各地许多研究人员的关注,其中,分析长期地面空气温度(SAT)的变化至关重要。在本文中,我们分析了1961年至2015年塔里木盆地SAT的时空变化。我们的结果表明,除了塔克拉马干沙漠的大多数气象站(阿克陶,库车和科莫和塔忠 塔克拉玛干沙漠的总体升温速率为每十年0.25°C。采用Mann–Kendall测试来检测SAT中的突然变化。事实证明,在39个台站中,有9个台站在1996年同时发生了突变,这与在当地植被覆盖中看到的突变是一致的。本文还讨论了SAT变化与基础景观和植被覆盖之间的关系。在绿洲,SAT和归一化植被指数(NDVI)之间发现了中等程度的负相关。
