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Paleobiology of Hoplophorus euphractus Lund, 1839, a large cingulate from Brazil Intertropical Region
PalZ ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s12542-021-00549-8
Yumi Asakura , Edison V. Oliveira

Osteoderms of Hoplophorus euphractus are historically mistaken by other glyptodonts osteoderms, such as Glyptodon, Glyptotherium and Neosclerocalyptus, which has created confusion regarding the proper identification of the remains. Recent revisions have granted a better taxonomic understanding of these taxa. In this work, we present a morphological description of a carapace fragment with four articulated osteoderms and other post-cranium bones. Morphological and histological information of an isolated osteoderm and a limb bone from Hoplophorus euphractus was combined, allowing some perception into their paleobiology. The combined paleohistological analysis of two bone elements, osteoderm and humerus, corroborates with the idea of how the pattern of bone microstructure is useful for making inferences about the functional morphology of extinct species. In the humerus, it is identifiable a bone tissue derived from dynamic osteogenesis, with elongated osteocytes lacunae and collagen fibre with a preferably transverse orientation (perpendicular to the long axis). In the superficial and deep layers of the osteoderm, a bone tissue derived from a combination of dynamic and static osteogenesis is seen. In the trabeculae of the osteoderm, a lamellar bone tissue is present, more organized than the ones present in the other regions of the bone. Both histological and morphological features of the osteoderm and humerus can be interpreted as a representation of a mature ontogenetic stage. The preferentially transversely fibre alignment found in H. euphractus bone could be indicative of good resistance of compressive forces, but a more extensive research with a broader sample is necessary for more definitive conclusions.



从历史上看,霍普球菌属的成骨皮被其他雕齿兽皮误认为,如雕齿兽母兽和新孢子虫,它们对遗骸的正确识别造成了混乱。最近的修订使人们对这些分类群有了更好的分类学理解。在这项工作中,我们提出了甲壳碎片的形态学描述,该甲壳碎片具有四个铰接的骨皮和其他颅骨后骨。胡芦巴中分离出的真皮和四肢骨的形态学和组织学信息结合在一起,使他们对古生物学有了一定的了解。对两种骨元素(骨质和肱骨)的组合古组织学分析证实了骨微结构模式如何用于推断灭绝物种的功能形态的想法。在肱骨中,可以识别出源自动态成骨的骨组织,其中细长的骨细胞腔和胶原纤维具有优选的横向取向(垂直于长轴)。在成骨细胞的表层和深层中,可以看到由动态和静态成骨作用组合而成的骨组织。在成骨小梁中,存在层状骨组织,其组织性比骨其他区域中的组织更强。骨和肱骨的组织学和形态学特征都可以解释为成熟的个体发育阶段的代表。优先发现横向纤维排列^ h腓骨骨可能表明抗压性良好,但是对于更明确的结论,有必要对更广泛的样本进行更广泛的研究。
