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Toxicological risk assessment of some commonly used insecticides on Cotesia flavipes , a larval parasitoid of the spotted stem borer Chilo partellus
Ecotoxicology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10646-021-02372-y
Zunnu Raen Akhtar , Kaleem Tariq , Alfred M. Handler , Asad Ali , Farman Ullah , Farman Ali , Lian-Sheng Zang , Asim Gulzar , Sajjad Ali

Cotesia flavipes Cameron is an important larval parasitoid exploited for the control of the spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe). Several studies have evaluated the toxic effects of insecticides on C. partellus, however, little is known about non-target effects of insecticides on this parasitoid, when used to control C. partellus. This laboratory study evaluated the lethal and sublethal effects of twelve insecticides on C. flavipes. Residual toxicity tests showed that organophosphates (chlorpyrifos, triazophos and profenofos) exhibited highest contact toxicity to C. flavipes adults with a LC50 range from 0.63 to 1.05 mg a.i/l, while neonicotinoids (nitenpyram, acetamiprid and imidacloprid) were less toxic to C. flavipes with a LC50 range from 1.27 to 139.48 mg a.i/l. Sugar-insecticide feeding bioassays showed that organophosphates, pyrethroids (cypermethrin, bifenthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin) and carbamates (thiodicarb, carbaryl and methomyl) were highly toxic to C. flavipes adults and caused 100% mortality at 48 h of exposure, while imidacloprid caused 66% mortality at 48 h of exposure. Risk quotient analysis showed that among all tested insecticides, imidacloprid and acetamiprid were less toxic to C. flavipes adults with a risk quotient value of 0.88 and 1.6, respectively. Furthermore, exposure of immature C. flavipes through their host bodies significantly decreased the parasitism rate at their F1 and F2 generations. Risk quotient analysis of insecticides indicated that imidacloprid and acetamiprid were the least toxic to C. flavipes. This study provides important information that will be used in incorporating the most suitable insecticides in integrated pest management programs with reduced negative impacts on non-target beneficial arthropods.


斑insect(Chilo partellus)的幼虫寄生虫Cotesia flavipes的某些常用杀虫剂的毒理学风险评估。

黄褐菌Cameron是一种重要的幼虫寄生虫,可用于控制斑spotChilo partellus(Swinhoe))。几项研究评估了杀虫剂对粉虱的毒害作用,但是,当用于控制粉虱时,杀虫剂对这种寄生虫的非靶向作用知之甚少。该实验室研究评估了十二种杀虫剂对C. flavipes的致死和亚致死作用。残留毒性测试表明,有机磷酸酯(毒死rif,三唑磷和丙溴磷)对LC 50的成年梭状芽胞杆菌显示出最高的接触毒性范围为0.63至1.05 mg ai / l,而新烟碱类(硝苯并吡喃,乙酰胺和吡虫啉)对C. flavipes的毒性较小,LC 50为1.27至139.48 mg ai / l。表明,有机磷酸酯类,拟除虫菊酯类(氯氰菊酯,氟氯菊酯和氯氟氰菊酯)和氨基甲酸酯类(硫双威,西维因和灭多威)是高度毒性的糖杀虫剂喂养生物测定C.北美散白蚁成人和在曝光48小时引起的死亡率为100%,而引起的吡虫啉暴露48 h时死亡率为66%。风险商分析表明,在所有测试的杀虫剂中,吡虫啉和对乙酰氨基吡虫胺对黄褐线虫的毒性较低,风险商值分别为0.88和1.6。此外,未成熟的暴露C. flavipes通过它们的宿主体显着降低了其F 1和F 2世代的寄生率。杀虫剂的风险商分析表明,吡虫啉和吡虫啉对。的毒性最小。这项研究提供了重要信息,可用于将最合适的杀虫剂纳入病虫害综合防治计划,从而减少对非目标有益节肢动物的负面影响。
