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Inhalation of Soluble Plutonium: 53-year Follow-up of Manhattan Project Worker.
Health Physics ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: 10.1097/hp.0000000000001396
Martin Šefl 1 , Maia Avtandilashvili , Sergei Y Tolmachev

This whole-body tissue donor to the United States Transuranium and Uranium Registries was occupationally exposed to plutonium nitrate-dioxide mixture via chronic inhalation. This individual was involved in the Manhattan Project operations and later participated in medical follow-up studies. Soft tissues and bones collected at autopsy were analyzed for 238Pu, 239+240Pu, and 241Am. Fifty-three years post-intake, 700±2 Bq of 239+240Pu were still retained in the skeleton, 661±11 Bq in the liver, and 282±3 Bq in the respiratory tract. Bioassay measurements and organ activities at the time of death were used to estimate the intake and radiation doses using the TAURUS internal dosimetry software. For this individual, an ICRP Publication 130 Human Respiratory Tract Model with case-specific particle size of 0.3 μm, ICRP Publication 100 Human Alimentary Tract Model, and ICRP Publication 141 Plutonium Systemic Model adequately described long-term plutonium retention and excretion. The total cumulative 239+240Pu intake of 31,716 Bq was estimated, of which 24,853 Bq (78.4%) were contributed by inhalation of plutonium nitrate and 6,863 Bq (21.6%) of plutonium dioxide. The committed equivalent doses to the red bone marrow, bone surface, liver, lungs, and brain were 0.71 Sv, 6.5 Sv, 8.3 Sv, 3.8 Sv, and 0.068 Sv, respectively. The committed effective dose was 1.22 Sv.


吸入可溶性钚:曼哈顿项目工人 53 年的追踪。

这位美国超铀和铀登记处的全身组织捐献者因职业原因长期吸入硝酸钚-二氧化钚混合物。此人参与了曼哈顿计划的行动,后来参加了医学后续研究。分析尸检时收集的软组织和骨骼中的 238Pu、239+240Pu 和 241Am。摄入后53年,239+240Pu的700±2 Bq仍保留在骨骼中,661±11 Bq保留在肝脏中,282±3 Bq保留在呼吸道中。使用 TAURUS 内部剂量测定软件,通过生物测定测量和死亡时的器官活动来估计摄入量和辐射剂量。对于该个体,ICRP 出版物 130 人类呼吸道模型(具体病例粒径为 0.3 μm)、ICRP 出版物 100 人类消化道模型和 ICRP 出版物 141 钚系统模型充分描述了长期钚保留和排泄。估计239+240Pu累计摄入总量为31,716 Bq,其中24,853 Bq(78.4%)来自吸入硝酸钚,6,863 Bq(21.6%)来自二氧化钚。红骨髓、骨表面、肝脏、肺和脑的待积当量剂量分别为0.71 Sv、6.5 Sv、8.3 Sv、3.8 Sv和0.068 Sv。承诺有效剂量为1.22 Sv。