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Broker-Based Nodes Recharging Scheme for Surveillance Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks
IEEE Sensors Journal ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-20 , DOI: 10.1109/jsen.2021.3053203
Niayesh Gharaei , Yasser D. Al-Otaibi , Sabit Rahim , Hassan J. Alyamani , Naveed Ali Khan Kaim Khani , Sharaf Jameel Malebary

In Surveillance Wireless Sensor Networks (SWSN), the nodes are distributed at the borders to detect unauthorized intrusions. In such applications, as the nodes are usually equipped with limited batteries and the network area is harsh to be accessible for humans, energy efficiency is considered as one of the main issues in designing the sensor networks. In the last years, Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks (WRSN) provides valuable insights into solving the energy constraint problem in WSNs. In a WRSN, Wireless Mobile Chargers (WMC) are responsible to recharge the batteries of the sensor nodes in order to enhance the operation time of the network. In most of the previous WRSN based schemes, the WMCs recharge the nodes singly and directly, which results in increasing the travel time of WMC and waiting time of sensor nodes. In addition, despite of using WMC, the permanent network lifetime has not been addressed in most of the previous schemes. Therefore, to overcome the limitations of existing literature, this research work focuses on the design and development of Broker-based Nodes Recharging Scheme (BNRS) which significantly contributes to improved lifetime and performance of SWSN. In the proposed scheme, power banks are employed as brokers between sensor nodes and WMC. The main duty of a power bank is to receive energy from WMC and transfer to the sensor nodes. Based on the simulation experiments the proposed BNRS achieves the permanent network operation which results in increasing security in the border of countries.


