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Remote multidisciplinary heart team meetings in immersive virtual reality: a first experience during the COVID-19 pandemic
BMJ Innovations ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bmjinnov-2021-000662
Amir H Sadeghi 1 , Ali R Wahadat 2, 3 , Adem Dereci 2 , Ricardo P J Budde 2, 4 , Wilco Tanis 3 , Jolien W Roos-Hesselink 2 , Hanneke Takkenberg 1 , Yannick J H J Taverne 1 , Edris A F Mahtab 1 , Ad J J C Bogers 1

### Summary box #### What are the new findings? #### How might it impact on healthcare in the future? Virtual reality (VR) is an emerging technology that enables creation of digital objects and virtual animations in a digital immersive environment that can be visualised and interacted with through head mounted displays (HMD) and controllers.1 2 In the fields of cardiovascular medicine and surgery, an increasing number of reports have become available to demonstrate potential benefits of VR for education, surgical planning and simulation.2–7 In addition, VR has made its entrance into the world of communication and is an ongoing topic of interest in scientific research and promising new tools are being developed.8 Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, local authorities have implemented several protective measures such as physical distancing and gathering restrictions. These restrictions have also been partly implemented in hospitals, however, in the fields of cardiology and cardiac surgery, full restrictions could potentially be harmful to patients, and therefore, alternative meeting methods should be implemented locally. Recently, we have published an article in which we present examples of alternative methods for multidisciplinary meetings to minimise the risk of viral infection and to ensure good and ongoing regular patient care.8 By combining VR meeting platforms with various HMD’s, the user is able to immerse in a reality-like and fully 3D …



###摘要框####有哪些新发现?####将来对医疗保健有何影响?虚拟现实(VR)是一项新兴技术,可在数字沉浸式环境中创建数字对象和虚拟动画,并可以通过头戴式显示器(HMD)和控制器对其进行可视化并与之交互。12在心血管医学和外科领域,越来越多的报告可以证明VR在教育,外科手术计划和模拟中的潜在优势。2-7此外,VR已进入通信世界,并且是科学研究和科研领域不断关注的话题。很有希望的新工具正在开发中。8由于最近发生了COVID-19疫情,地方当局已采取了一些保护措施,例如疏远距离和限制集会。这些限制在医院中也已部分实施,但是,在心脏病学和心脏外科领域,完全限制可能对患者有害,因此,应在当地实施其他会议方法。最近,我们发表了一篇文章,其中介绍了多学科会议的替代方法的示例,这些方法可最大程度地减少病毒感染的风险并确保良好且持续的常规患者护理。8通过将VR会议平台与各种HMD结合使用,用户可以沉浸在逼真的3D场景中…… 完全限制可能对患者有害,因此,应在当地实施其他会议方法。最近,我们发表了一篇文章,其中介绍了多学科会议的替代方法的示例,这些方法可以最大程度地减少病毒感染的风险并确保良好且持续的常规患者护理。8通过将VR会议平台与各种HMD结合使用,用户可以沉浸在逼真的3D场景中…… 完全限制可能对患者有害,因此,应在当地实施其他会议方法。最近,我们发表了一篇文章,其中介绍了多学科会议的替代方法的示例,这些方法可以最大程度地减少病毒感染的风险并确保良好且持续的常规患者护理。8通过将VR会议平台与各种HMD结合使用,用户可以沉浸在逼真的3D场景中……