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riboCIRC: a comprehensive database of translatable circRNAs
bioRxiv - Bioinformatics Pub Date : 2021-03-04 , DOI: 10.1101/2021.03.03.433665
Huihui Li , Mingzhe Xie , Yan Wang , Ludong Yang , Zhi Xie , Hongwei Wang

riboCIRC is a translatome data-oriented circRNA database specifically designed for hosting, exploring, analyzing, and visualizing translatable circRNAs from multi-species. The database provides a comprehensive repository of computationally predicted ribosome-associated circRNAs, a manually curated collection of experimentally verified translated circRNAs, an evaluation of cross-species conservation of translatable circRNAs, a systematic de novo annotation of putative circRNA-encoded peptides, including sequence, structure, and function, and a genome browser to visualize the context-specific occupant footprints of circRNAs. It represents a valuable resource for the circRNA research community and is publicly available at http://www.ribocirc.com.


