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Vortex pinning in the superfluid core of relativistic neutron stars
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-02 , DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab606
Aurélien Sourie 1, 2 , Nicolas Chamel 1

Our recent Newtonian treatment of the smooth-averaged mutual-friction force acting on the neutron superfluid and locally induced by the pinning of quantized neutron vortices to proton fluxoids in the outer core of superfluid neutron stars is here adapted to the general-relativistic framework. We show how the local non-relativistic motion of individual vortices can be matched to the global dynamics of the star using the fully 4D covariant Newtonian formalism of Carter & Chamel. We derive all the necessary dynamical equations for carrying out realistic simulations of superfluid rotating neutron stars in full general relativity, as required for the interpretation of pulsar frequency glitches. The role of vortex pinning on the global dynamics appears to be non-trivial.



我们最近对作用在中子超流体上的平滑平均互摩擦力的牛顿处理以及由超流体中子星外核中的质子流的量子化中子涡流钉扎在局部诱导的方法在这里适用于广义相对论框架。我们展示了如何使用 Carter & Chamel 的全 4D 协变牛顿形式将单个涡旋的局部非相对论运动与恒星的全局动力学相匹配。我们推导出了所有必要的动力学方程,用于在完全广义相对论中对超流体旋转中子星进行真实模拟,这是解释脉冲星频率故障所需的。涡旋钉扎在全球动力学中的作用似乎并不重要。