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Epidemiology of COVID-19 and public health restrictions during the first wave of the pandemic in Ireland in 2020
Journal of Public Health ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-18 , DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdab049
Robert Conway 1 , David M Kelly 2 , Paul Mullane 2 , Cliodhna Ni Bhuachalla 3 , Lois O'Connor 1 , Claire Buckley 4 , Patricia M Kearney 4 , Sarah Doyle 5

Background We describe the epidemiological trends and report and review the public health restrictions implemented during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ireland. Methods The study reviewed confirmed cases of COVID-19 notified from 1 March to 18 July 2020. Data were obtained from the national COVID-19 Data Hub, the National Health Protection Surveillance Centre, the National Contact Management Programme and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Results A total of 25 617 cases were notified during the study period. Weekly cases and deaths peaked in mid-April 2020 at 5701 and 316, respectively. Mean number of close contacts per case was lowest at 0.7 in April, rising to 6.6 by July. Outbreak settings shifted from travel and workplace in March, to healthcare in April. Restrictions implemented on 12 March extended to full lockdown on 27 March. Phased relaxation of restrictions commenced 18 May. Effective suppression of community transmission of COVID-19 was achieved by June 2020. Conclusion Lockdown is a crude population-level restriction effective in controlling COVID-19. Phased relaxation of restrictions in Ireland, however, led to an immediate increase in mean number of contacts per case, which facilitates viral transmission unless individual-level restrictions are adhered to. This demonstrates a limitation of lockdown as a long-term mechanism of pandemic control.


2020 年爱尔兰第一波大流行期间 COVID-19 的流行病学和公共卫生限制

背景 我们描述了流行病学趋势,并报告和审查了爱尔兰第一波 COVID-19 大流行期间实施的公共卫生限制措施。方法 该研究回顾了 2020 年 3 月 1 日至 7 月 18 日通报的 COVID-19 确诊病例。数据来自国家 COVID-19 数据中心、国家健康保护监测中心、国家接触管理计划和欧洲疾病预防中心和控制。结果研究期间共通报病例25 617例。每周病例和死亡人数在 2020 年 4 月中旬达到峰值,分别为 5701 和 316。每个病例的平均密切接触人数在 4 月份最低,为 0.7 人,到 7 月份上升至 6.6 人。疫情的环境从 3 月份的旅行和工作场所转移到 4 月份的医疗保健。3 月 12 日实施的限制措施延长至 3 月 27 日的全面封锁。5 月 18 日开始分阶段放宽限制。到 2020 年 6 月,有效抑制了 COVID-19 的社区传播。结论 封锁是一种粗略的人口水平限制,可有效控制 COVID-19。然而,爱尔兰分阶段放宽限制导致每个病例的平均接触人数立即增加,这有助于病毒传播,除非遵守个人层面的限制。这表明封锁作为一种大流行控制的长期机制是有限的。结论 封锁是一种粗略的人口水平限制,可有效控制 COVID-19。然而,爱尔兰分阶段放宽限制导致每个病例的平均接触人数立即增加,这有助于病毒传播,除非遵守个人层面的限制。这表明封锁作为一种大流行控制的长期机制是有限的。结论 封锁是一种粗略的人口水平限制,可有效控制 COVID-19。然而,爱尔兰分阶段放宽限制导致每个病例的平均接触人数立即增加,这有助于病毒传播,除非遵守个人层面的限制。这表明封锁作为一种大流行控制的长期机制是有限的。