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French involvement in the Malagasy crisis and during SADC’s mediation
African Security Review ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-05 , DOI: 10.1080/10246029.2021.1887905
Katiana Sandra Ramsamy 1


In March 2009, President Marc Ravalomanana of the Island of Madagascar was ousted during a coup d’état led by the Mayor of Antananarivo, Andry Rajoelina, and his supporters. After the coup, Ravalomanana and his family fled to South Africa where they remained in exile from 2009 to 2014. To restore constitutional order in Madagascar, the Southern African Development Community (SADC), in July 2009, took the lead in a mediation process involving all Malagasy and other key stakeholders. SADC’s mediation efforts, led by former President Chissano, formally ended in 2013 with the holding of democratic elections. The mediation effort, which lasted five years, was conducted in a very competitive and ‘crowded’ field. The ‘crowded’ field was characterised by in-fighting amongst the various international bodies for power and influence including ‘spoiler’ tactics used by vested interests to hinder the mediation process and prevent the return of Ravalomanana to Madagascar. This article looks specifically at the ‘spoiler’ role that France played during the mediation process to safeguard her interests in Madagascar under the Sarkozy Administration. France is known to intervene in the political and economic affairs of her former colonies and, during the 2009 coup, this was no exception.




2009 年 3 月,马达加斯加岛总统马克·拉瓦洛马纳纳在塔那那利佛市长安德里·拉乔利纳及其支持者领导的政变中被驱逐。政变后,Ravalomanana 和他的家人逃往南非,并于 2009 年至 2014 年流亡在那里。 为了恢复马达加斯加的宪政秩序,南部非洲发展共同体(SADC)于 2009 年 7 月牵头进行了调解程序,涉及所有马达加斯加和其他主要利益相关者。由前总统希萨诺领导的南共体调解工作于2013年以举行民主选举正式结束。为期五年的调解工作是在一个竞争激烈且“拥挤”的领域进行的。“拥挤”领域的特点是各种国际机构之间的权力和影响力内讧,包括既得利益者使用的“破坏者”策略来阻碍调解进程并阻止拉瓦卢马纳纳返回马达加斯加。这篇文章专门探讨了法国在调解过程中扮演的“破坏者”角色,以维护她在萨科齐政府下的马达加斯加的利益。众所周知,法国干预其前殖民地的政治和经济事务,在 2009 年政变期间也不例外。这篇文章专门探讨了法国在调解过程中扮演的“破坏者”角色,以维护她在萨科齐政府下的马达加斯加的利益。众所周知,法国干预其前殖民地的政治和经济事务,在 2009 年政变期间也不例外。这篇文章专门探讨了法国在调解过程中扮演的“破坏者”角色,以维护她在萨科齐政府下的马达加斯加的利益。众所周知,法国干预其前殖民地的政治和经济事务,在 2009 年政变期间也不例外。
