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Histopathological investigation of the reef coral Goniastrea sp. affected by macroalgal abrasion
Marine Biology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s00227-021-03851-w
B. Manikandan , A. A. Padelkar , J. Ravindran , S. Joseph

Interspecific competition between corals and macroalgae is a common phenomenon on coral reefs, and its impacts on the cellular structure of corals are not well studied. Field observations in Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park (GoM), a protected reef environment, during January 2020 revealed abundant growth of the macroalga Turbinaria conoides over the coral, Goniastrea sp., causing tissue discoloration and physical injury through abrasion. Histopathological analysis revealed disruption of the gastrodermis with the loss of endosymbiotic dinoflagellates and focal ablation of the epidermis in the affected coral tissues. Cell counts confirmed a 65.1% reduction in endosymbiont density. Our results suggest that physical contact by T. conoides disrupted the coral epithelia, potentially leading to tissue loss and a reduction in live coral cover.


珊瑚珊瑚Goniastrea sp。的组织病理学研究。受大藻磨蚀的影响

珊瑚和大型藻类之间的种间竞争是珊瑚礁上的常见现象,对其珊瑚的细胞结构的影响尚未得到很好的研究。2020年1月,在受保护的珊瑚礁环境马纳尔湾国家海洋公园(GoM)上进行的野外观察显示,Turbinaria视锥虫在珊瑚Goniastrea sp。上大量繁殖,通过磨损导致组织变色和物理伤害。组织病理学分析显示,受累珊瑚组织中内共生双鞭毛藻的丢失和表皮的局灶性消融,破坏了胃的真皮。细胞计数证实内共生体密度降低65.1%。我们的结果表明锥虫的物理接触 破坏了珊瑚的上皮细胞,可能导致组织丢失并减少活珊瑚的覆盖率。
