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Singing potatoes: Bion’s concept of O and the frustrations of not knowing
Psychodynamic Practice ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-04 , DOI: 10.1080/14753634.2021.1887753
Jennie Hogan


Bion’s concept of O is examined and it is proposed that it is a valuable yet mysterious concept for psychotherapists to draw upon. Although Bion showed a keen interest in epistemology, that is to say, how we know and understand, he subsequently instructed therapists to eschew knowing and understanding by divesting themselves of memory and desire in order to be maximally exposed to the mystery of each patient. It is suggested, therefore, that such a mode requires a fresh analytic stance. An overview of O surveys the ways in which Bion developed O and a brief survey of its reception is included. Subsequently, the centrality of the urge to know and the experience of not knowing is explored with an examination of Freudian and Kleinian interest in the tireless yet painful Oedipal urge to know. A survey of Bion’s models of containing the search for knowing follows. Finally, a clinical example illuminates the author’s clinical experience of both the patient’s urge to know, and their own experience of not knowing as mediated though the context of Bion’s mysterious concept O.




